Converting a CJB Kamisori

Halifax, Republic of Yorkshire
So, I have a CJB Kamisori ...

I've seen threads where the plastic handle is removed and folks have put the working part onto nice scales.

Let's say I'd like to do that, but have no materials, tools or skills to do it ... are there folks here who can do it? What do they need from me other than the razor? What sort of price are we talking?

Yes, I'm forward there, but like to get the questions out in the open ...

I've yet to shave with the thing, so don't know whether I'll take to the butter knife technique or whether I'd prefer a more Western folding razor. I love the idea of the CJB (and Feather Artist Club).

Straight edge is something that will bankrupt me! I would not be able to stop buying once I start ... I've got one straight, but thankfully (yes, thankfully) it's not a great one. Really, I could spend thousands on those lovely straights.

Off track a bit there, but it gives a background. Save me! :D

Do we have the skills in house? Are there folks here who do the conversions?
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