Come on start bidding.

I saw my first bullfight when I was 10 years old 1969 my Brother and I were taken by my bloodthirsty Grandmother, strangely enough when I look back I found it quite exciting and scary but not at all blood thirsty, I can remember every part of the fight from the Picador horsemanship to the magnificent looking Bulls to the final kill and the pair of Horses coming into the ring to hitch up the dead Bull and drag him out for the next fight to begin, Bull fighting during the 1960s in Spain was massive don't forget probably the greatest bull fighter of all time El Cordobes was around he was the equivalent of Lionel Messi probably bigger, after saying that I could no way go see one now I wouldn't have the stomach for it to cruel.
joe mcclaine said:
Sezer74 said:
I don't agree with bullfight and I think matadors and people support and like bullfighting are cowards. If they are man enough go and fight against the bull in a field by yourselves and no cheating prior and/or during the fight.


I've just finished fighting the local farmer's Bull, as I do every Sunday afternoon between my Sunday dinner and Antiques Roadshow. He puts up a brave enough struggle but a quick left / right usually has him wobbling like a baby giraffe on a trampoline and then he gives up. There's a good reason my left and right fists are nicknamed 'Deep Sleep' and 'Rude Awakening'.

Anyway, quick bath (with Matey bubbles, obv) then it's off to the pub with my Mad Irish Grandad and maybe a dog fight in the back room to round the evening off. That's me vs. a couple of local drug dealers' Pit Bulls ... not dog vs. dog ... that'd be cruel.


Whist I should not encourage you (not that you need any encouragement) I have to say that is your finest post to date!!

Wales4ever said:
This has been the most random thread in ages!


This thread I think typifies all that is good about this forum, lighthearted banter, some irrelevant all enlightening and some just good natured p*ss taking in the very nicest way.

How do you think this thread would get received on B&B?

Morning All,

Just to add to the randomness and on the bullfighting theme...I was once shown an example of the Spanish criminal legal process. This was a video of a trial (allowed in Spain) of a farmer who was being tried for murder. I was told that the circumstances behind it could only have happened in Spain. Why? Because the farmer bred fighting bulls and had caught a boy and his friend 'torear a la luna' i.e. coming onto his land to fight his bulls by moonlight, so he had shot and killed one of them. Why so extreme? Because once the bulls had experience of fighting they couldn't be used, as they would have an advantage over the bullfighter.

Worth having a read of Hemingway's 'The sun also rises' about the running of the bulls in Pamplona. Hemingway was a great aficionado of bullfighting and the film version isn't bad either, with a good cast.

How's that for randomness?
Earnest said.

“Auto racing, bull fighting, and mountain climbing are the only real sports ... all others are games.”

New soccer season has begun!!!

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