Coffee chatsites

Tuesday October 5, 2010
I do LOVE my 80/20 decaf to reg. option in the morning...every morning I was driving home on a refill..I was wondering if there is any coffee/tea chat social sites like there are this and other shaving be similar

I get my coffee from Hasbeans roasters . Here's his weekly video blog:

He normally pops up a discount code during the show for whatevers new. Never really thought I'd get into finding the subtleties in coffee, it is pretty interesting to compare what I sense to what he describes. He has a close barrista friend, so they follow the coffee competition circuit. Another world for you to look into and follow.

I haven't visited coffee forums for ages. Only a brief stint when I was looking for what to purchase.
Anyway, I used to frequent: good UK based one and there's a popular american one... sorry can't remember the name but I remember it not being as friendly.
I get my coffee from hasbean as well. He's got some really nice stuff, although I can't say I get all of the subtle flavour notes - I just knows what I likes!
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