Coates Rose Cream

Wednesday August 24, 2011
West Yorkshire
Well...Thanks to Carl, (you old enabler you,)... I got a couple of tubes of Coates Rose in the post yesterday, and had my first shave with it this morning...I ordered it from Seifenglatt by the way, before somebody asks....And I think from the postmark (crossed out) It looked to have come all the way from Slovenia..With very quick delivery. about three days from ordering.

Not as rose scented as I would have liked, but still a very nice delicate rosy scent, slightly crisper and not quite as cloying as a rose geranium scent and a fabulous creamy lather and irritation free shave...Maybe my nose isn't quite upto scratch at the moment, think I've been pollenated... tree pollen this time...So maybe the scent is stronger than is actually registering with my nose..

Now I'm normally a hard soap and face lather kind of shaver, so probably squidged a bit too much cream into my shaving bowl at the start..we all make mistakes sometimes...don't we?...and I'm a bit out of practice at whipping cream in a bowl. Any way, a couple of minutes of brisk stirring\whisking..and I had the most wonderful amount of thick creamy lather, not so much a brushing on, as painting my face with the stuff...Luxury or what?., and probably enough left over for another good lathering, bit of a waste to flush the surplus down the plughole, but there you are.

And the shave actual...very smooth, almost a no blade in the razor smooth, with a BBS finish after a couple of minor touch ups under the jaw line...Highly recommended if you like vintage floral scents...The razor used? old favourite 7'oclock new open comb, combined with a Polsilver SI blade.

Thanks Carl, but don't mention any more creams/ soaps for a while on an open thread, some of us can't resist you know, and I have a cupboard full of shaving supplies already...and SWMBO thinks I'm getting more eccentric by the minute.....well nothing wrong with that, I like eccentrics, they add colour to the world....And shaving supply deliveries keep the postie in a job.

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