Coast to Coast Cycle

My father in law did it last year. He's retired and in heart failure but really enjoyed it. If you can't find anyone else I can ask him for his story. He's a nice chap so might chat by email.
I have done the walk but not the ride. When I did the walk I did it in 4 sections as I couldn't afford 2 weeks holiday. Started in 2009 with my, then 10 year old son and finished last year with my 13 now year old. It was a brilliant experience and one I would thoroughly recommend. I didn't do it on a cycle but did meet a few people who were doing it by cycle and they seemed to enjoy the experience too.

This may not be much help but if you wanted and specific info I would be happy to try and answer any questions.

By the way we used the coast to coast packhoure based in Kirkby Stephen to transfer our bags and they were really helpful and efficient.

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