Cheap Indian blades..I never heard of em

Tuesday October 5, 2010
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Ugh!..I know for a fact blades made in India or the Middle East except Israel dont like my face
The description and spelling worry me a bit :lol:

The seller claims they are made by the same people who made Laser blades,if thats the case you would have more success smashing a coke bottle and shaving with it,just my opinion of course.

trainman said:
The seller claims they are made by the same people who made Laser blades,if thats the case you would have more success smashing a coke bottle and shaving with it,just my opinion of course.


The Indian Laser (Laser Ultra) are perfectly adequate blades... not like the hardboard/MDF hybrid that's sold in Wilkinson's that's just unimaginably shite.
Centwin are one of several blades put out by the people what make Laser. The Laser Super stainless blades I bought from store34 on eBay were fine shaving blades; not a problem with them (other than already having so many different blades on my 'regular use' list).

  • I've not used Centwins before, but if someone buys a 100 count of them, and feels like PIFfing me a tuck of five, for my collection, well, please, feel free to do so ...[/list:u]
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