changing the lock on a big old safe

Friday July 10, 2009
Hi All

Some of you know I'm a Vicar and I have a church with a big old (I mean BIG and OLD) safe. Been there years (100? 200?) and goodness knows how many keys have been cut in that time. I've no idea who has a copy but recently a few things have gone missing. Not big things but small amounts of cash.

How easy it it to change the lock on a safe?

Think it might be time for a fresh start and limited and known keyholder list!


I doubt it's worth it or viable, depending on size and requirements you can purchase a little electronic safe for £50 or so.

Find a handyman to bolt or chain it into existing safe?
Not sure what they are like now, but we were put off an electronic one a few years ago by a family friend who owns a locksmith business. He had experienced a few fails in them so we purchased a good old lock and key one. I expect though they have improved them, worth having a word with a locksmith.
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