Castle Forbes vs Truefitt & Hill Lavender

Here is my dilemma: I had a sample of Truefitt & Hill Lavender shaving cream and liked the scent a lot, but it wasn't the performer that my Castle Forbes Lime is. I hear good things about the Castle Forbes Lavender scent, but will I like it?. How does it compare to the T&H Lavender? Or to the D R Harris Lavender (I had a sample of that as well and didn't care for the scent at all)? Maybe someone is willing to swap a tiny sample of the Castle Forbes Lavender for a 15 ml sample of one of Castle Forbes Lime / Cella / Speick / Old Spice Fresh Lime. Otherwise any comments on the scents are welcome.

- Andreas
The Castle Forbes Lavender cream and aftershave balm are quality. You get a wonderful spicy bouquet of lavender with great complexity. Performance wise, well it's Castle Forbes, high slickness, great cushion. I will say it warms my skin up, they use high quality oils and they are apparent. Luckily it doesn't irritate to an itchy or irritable sensation.

I haven't tried T&H, but if their sandalwood is any indicator (scent strength) then CF all the way. I do like DR Harris, again not tried the Lavender but I have other creams and soaps, I would only rate the coconut cream ahead of CF lime (marginally) otherwise CF out performs DR Harris IMO.

Oh and the balm is superb get both!
Thanks Nishy,

I know the Castle Forbes qualities only too well. I have both the Lime cream and balm and they are spectacular. It's just that the T&H has this exact lavender scent that reminds me of something pleasant from my childhood (although my mother denies ever using anything lavender scented at home). I'm trying to get my AD under control and not buy both (or all three - including the balm)
Sigh :icon_razz:
Patience is a virtue I don't posses. The Castle Forbes Lavender is on its way... and if it doesn't smell of my Grandma's laundry (or whatever it was I remember) I'll have to get the T&H as well. AD 1 - Me 0
riverrun said:
Patience is a virtue I don't posses. The Castle Forbes Lavender is on its way... and if it doesn't smell of my Grandma's laundry (or whatever it was I remember) I'll have to get the T&H as well. AD 1 - Me 0
Just a thought, it may be easier to have a sniff of various EO's then add a few drops of the chosen one to an unscented cream/soap.
Nishy said:
Just a thought, it may be easier to have a sniff of various EO's then add a few drops of the chosen one to an unscented cream/soap.
Genius! The Castle Forbes Unscented Cream and Essential Oils DIY kit. Count me in!!! :idea:
riverrun said:
Nishy said:
Just a thought, it may be easier to have a sniff of various EO's then add a few drops of the chosen one to an unscented cream/soap.
Genius! The Castle Forbes Unscented Cream and Essential Oils DIY kit. Count me in!!! :idea:
I can recommend herb garden (deep and spicy lavender scent) or healthaid (more expensive) we only sell those two so not sure of others but plenty knocking around.
As far as Lavender scents go, the best one I have smelt so far is the new Barrister & Mann Black Label Lavender. I only received it from The Shaving Station this morning but I cant stop getting It out of my desk at work and taking a whiff! Great scent strength, spicy but not to the point its overpowering. It smells very natural.

Looking forward to the shave as the ingredient list is top notch.
Ben88 said:
As far as Lavender scents go, the best one I have smelt so far is the new Barrister & Mann Black Label Lavender. I only received it from The Shaving Station this morning but I cant stop getting It out of my desk at work and taking a whiff! Great scent strength, spicy but not to the point its overpowering. It smells very natural.

Looking forward to the shave as the ingredient list is top notch.
Hope the shave goes well for you, I think the issue with Lavender is the EO %/g. It seems common that a high concentrstion can cause irritation. Let us know how the soap performs!
The Castle Forbes Lavender has arrived! It smells very classy - unlike my childhood which smelled more like T&H. I know I will order the T&H in an uncontrollable fit of AD soon. As for the performance of the CF: Is it just me or is it even better than the CF Lime? It whips up to the most face-pleasing lather in mere seconds - and London water is as Hard as it gets. Impressed. Now if could only stop thinking about T&H Lavender and the CF Sandalwood.....
Omp said:
riverrun said:
Now if could only stop thinking about T&H Lavender and the CF Sandalwood.....

If you are thinking of Sandalwood, The Art of Shaving is the one to have.....
Sorry, I shouldn't be kicking a man when he's down :)

The CF Cedarwood isn't a very pleasant smell. I know it's personal but it doesn't get a good rep... Personally I think the CF Lavender is the best CF by a country mile
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