Can't access forum from home broadband.

Essex, UK
I'm confused.

I have BT Fibre broadband at home which is very reliable. I have access to the internet and everything seems to be working except The Shaving Room.

Last night The Shaving Room became unavailable, through my PC and through my phone using Tapatalk (connected to my broadband through wi fi), I didn't think anything of it and assumed the site must be down.

This morning early it still didn't work then it started working again. When I looked I realised other people had been posting so the forum hadn't been down at all.

About half an hour ago access to the forum has gone again, I just get 'This page can't be displayed' check your connection etc.. The rest of the internet is working fine.

I know the forum is working as I am now connected using my O2 Wi Fi dongle, but why won't it work through my BT Broadband. There must be a routing issue somewhere between BT and the Forum host, but I have no idea where to start.

Any ideas clever folks of the forum.

I can't ping or from my PC connected to my broadband either.
It has just started working again for no apparant reason

No wonder it got lost, that's a long route to get to a website.......

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms BTHomeHub.home []
2 24 ms 23 ms 23 ms
3 23 ms 75 ms 24 ms
4 28 ms 28 ms 28 ms
5 28 ms 28 ms 28 ms
6 28 ms 28 ms 28 ms
7 28 ms 28 ms 27 ms
8 42 ms 41 ms 38 ms [109.159.25
9 37 ms 38 ms 37 ms [62.6.200.
10 37 ms 38 ms 37 ms []

11 37 ms 37 ms 36 ms []
12 115 ms 115 ms 115 ms []
13 117 ms 117 ms 117 ms []
14 116 ms 114 ms 115 ms []
15 119 ms 118 ms 118 ms [6]
16 149 ms 142 ms 143 ms
17 131 ms 131 ms 131 ms [68.8
18 136 ms 136 ms 136 ms
19 141 ms 141 ms 141 ms [209.59.157
20 143 ms 141 ms 165 ms [
21 141 ms 141 ms 141 ms []

Trace complete.
Yikes. There looks to be a peering arrangement missing for BT because its only 8 hops total for me...

Oh and BTs internal routing is a mess :D

edit: I lied - it's 9.


Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 * * * Request timed out.
2 29 ms 30 ms 33 ms gi0-1.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
3 * * 29 ms gi3.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
4 30 ms 30 ms 31 ms []
5 119 ms 120 ms 119 ms []
6 189 ms 123 ms 122 ms []
7 132 ms 130 ms 133 ms []
8 132 ms 132 ms 130 ms []
9 128 ms 131 ms 129 ms []

Trace complete.
hunnymonster said:
Lose the beard said:
Something doesn't look right. I may send this trace through to BT technical support and see if they know why it is such a mess.

Good luck in finding the one call centre agent that understands a word of what you ask them... if you go "off script" you'll struggle to find anyone that can help you.

I'll get the corporate Telecoms guys to look at it. We have quite a bit of business with BT at work. I have my contacts :)
It gets stranger and stranger

I can access the forum from my PC.

I can access the forum via the browser, or Tapatalk on my Blackberry using my wireless broadband.

I can't access the forum via the browser or Tapatalk on my Android phone using my wireless broadband.
Re: RE: Can't access forum from home broadband.

NotTheStig said:
Some sort of adult content filter on your phone? I had to disable it to reach this forum on my phone. Yep, that was the only reason of course

Adult filter shouldn't be a problem as its using my broadband, not the phones network. I could be wrong, its happened before. I think its connected to the convoluted route BT take to get to the site.
Re: RE: Can't access forum from home broadband.

NotTheStig said:
Some sort of adult content filter on your phone? I had to disable it to reach this forum on my phone. Yep, that was the only reason of course

I had the same issue with mine! Was rather awkward going in to get the filter turned off!
Turned out not to be the adult filter. It was something on my phone that was knackered. A hard reset and hours of installing updates has fixed my phone. Home broadband is working too, albeit via a circular route via the European and then US networks as one of BTs primary bridging switches is down.
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