Cafetiere gauze filter



You are a knowledgeable lot so I was wondering if any of you had found somewhere cheap to buy replacement metal gauze for a cafetiere?

I ask as I drink a fair bit of coffee so mine don't last too long, and they seem to be around £5 to replace. If you buy your cafetierre from a large supermarket you can buy a whole new one for not much more (one mug size)?!?!

It just seems to be mad that this one, seemingly very cheap part costs so much in relation to the whole item new.

Anyway.... Any ideas as it just doesn't feel right either a) getting ripped off, or b) buying a whole new cafetiere each time.

Bit random i know, but thought i'd ask!

I emailed the manufacturer of mine asking for the part number. They sent me a pack of six, saying they don't sell them separately.

Shouldn't be too difficult to buy a sheet of gauze and snip them out. Add the price of a pair of good scissors to the total cost.

Or - try for your brand - or coffeedoctor, coffeeparts or somesuch. Antdad knows who I mean.
MPH said:
I ask as I drink a fair bit of coffee so mine don't last too long, and they seem to be around £5 to replace.

What exactly goes wrong with them? When I used a cafetiere the gauze didn't wear out, but maybe I wasn't using it as much. Do they fray or rip? If they just get gunked up you can rejuvenate them with espresso machine cleaner or dishwasher detergent.
PhilD said:
MPH said:
I ask as I drink a fair bit of coffee so mine don't last too long, and they seem to be around £5 to replace.

Hi. I'm curious - what exactly goes wrong with them? When I used cafetiere the gauze didn't wear out, but maybe I wasn't using it as much. Do they fray or rip? If they just get gunked up you can rejuvenate them with espresso machine cleaner or dishwasher detergent.

They wear out where they make contact with the glass. Over time it leaves gaps so when you plunge a lot of the coffee grounds ends up on the wrong side of the gauze and in your cup.

PhilD said:
Blimey, never seen that.
I have a cafetiere at work so it is getting used a number if times a day, 5 days a week. I drink way too much caffeine! :)
Ha, fair enough sir! I've been using one of those little swissgold one-cup filters at work for the past 10? years which has been great but is looking pretty beaten-up now, so will probably go back to cafetiere again too. Good luck with the replacement gauzes.
We're talking about the metal screen right? I've never had one 'wear out'. They do get a bit bent so a quick dis-assembly and flattening of the screen soon fixes it.
I have a gold-plated cafetiere we received as a wedding present. Going strong for 18+ years.
Well maybe I just buy cheap ones with naff filters then? This isn't the first one that I have worn out!!! :)

When I say worn out I mean fraying at the edges.
Bechet45 said:
This stuff should never wear out! 60 or 80 tpi?

Or bottom of this page - take your pick.

Thanks for the help!!!

I have seen spare filters for around a fiver before but I just figured it was quite expensive given you can buy the whole cafetiere for about the same. Maybe my problem is just that I am buying rubish, but I never suspected there would be much difference in quality.

Maybe I need to go for the uber strong steel mesh..... If it is fine enough. Then I'll probably wear the glass out!!!! :)

Thanks again.

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