Brush upgrade

Surrey, UK
Seeking wisdom from the wise... Currently only have a couple of budget brushes and they're starting to get me down. I was initially quite taken with the idea of a MÜHLE synthetic silvertip but I can't help myself - I keep looking at Thäter's... I know they're 3 times the price but would it be money well spent or a complete waste of time for someone that's only been using a DE for 4 months?

I pretty much only use two products; Tabac soap at home & Speick cream when travelling, % face/bowl lathering is pretty much split 50/50. Won't be purchasing for a couple of weeks so plenty of time for consideration, any input greatly appreciated.
It won't be a waste of time but whether it is an efficient use of your money depends on a lot of variables that have nothing to do with the quality of the brushes.
I love the Muhle synthetic silvertips, they're durable, low maintenance, and lather like beasts. They also dry very quickly. They don't feel as luxurious as a top quality badger though.

Have you thought about Shavemac? Bernd will be able to advise on a brush that would suit you and his brushes are top notch.

The drawback to you going for a high end brush at the moment is that you're unlikely to have worked out what you want from a brush which will make it harder to choose one and get it right. What are your likes and dislikes about the brushes you have now?
I'd go for the Thater if I was you.

For me, you can't beat a luxury brush. Using it is the best part of the shave.

I've been sent to India for 3 months with work and all I'm looking forward to is using my nice brushes when back in the uk.

You'll regret it if you don't! Also as mentioned above, Shavemac is a good alternative, if not better.
Thanks for the input chaps.

You make a very valid point Chris, I dont really know what I want from a brush as of yet... Only what I like the look of. I currently have a HJM Boar which is pretty useless as it sheds 3-4 hairs with every use & feels like wire wool on the face, I find it OK for face lathering Arko but that's about it. The other brush is a China special "Haryali badger" which is actually not bad for the tenner it cost but I can't help feel I'm missing out... On what? I'm not sure!

Realistically a Thater would be a bit of a stretch, especially if it's not going to be a life changing purchase - Best left for Christmas perhaps (I'll have more experience under my belt then too.)
Are you soaking your boar brush before use? Boar bristle absorbs water, so if you soak it for a couple of minutes before use it will be softer and less likely to lose bristles. I stick mine in a mug of water while I'm in the shower. Boar brushes can be excellent and had for very little money, any Omega you like the look of will see you right and should cost less than a tenner. A good quality boar once it's broken in is nice and soft.

The BST on here is a good place to pick up bargains.
Yes I always soak them before use. Perhaps I'm being overly critical, I started out with the cheap badger and actually preferred the boar when I got it but now I'm not so sure lol... Depends which way the wind is blowing :rolleyes:

The Thater idea has been shelved for now. I'll keep an eye out on here for something to try - What are the benefits/drawbacks of the different knot sizes ? Is it all down to the size of one's chops or just personal preference ?
I'd go for the Thater if I was you.

You'll regret it if you don't! Also as mentioned above, Shavemac is a good alternative, if not better.

Yep, that's good advice for the OP to consider. If you're gonna do something then do it right.

It's a pretty substantial pleasantry having at least one brush that feels and works amazingly well. Whipping up lather is soooo easy it's nuts!

Spend the cash. You're gonna be using the brush for years and loving each shave. Cheap enough price for that.

Seriously, a really nice brush can make a surprising difference. One's all you need.

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Thäter hit my sweet spot. I keep a synthetic around but that's it.

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