Brush identification for a newbie

Wednesday December 16, 2015
I got this brush a year ago when i started out, off ebay 2nd hand, it was advertised an edwin jagger badger brush,
At the time i didnt know there where different grades of badger, i think this is pure badger? Any ideas?

The brush is sooo heavy as well the metel bit at the bottem weights about 3x £2 coins!

Also any ideas of mm of the knot?20151220_125053.jpg 20151226_120144.jpg 20151226_120144.jpg
I see 'ED' and 'EJ'. Are the bottom letters 'SE' or 'SL'?

Be good if you turned around and used front lighting instead of back.

Is the brush any good? It looks to be a flopmeister and scritchy.
It's worth pointing out that the description of the bristles is somewhat arbitrary - there is no universally applied grading across the brush manufacturers. If you really wish to know what the grade is the manufacturer should be able to give you their take on a "Best" or a "Pure" and so on.
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