Bronnley Bargain

Mebbe 8 years since I had a bottle. Lighter than, say, Puig Agua Lavande or Ach Brito Agua de Lavande but potent enough. Lovely scent.
Always good to have a recommendation from my personal guru. The only bum steer I ever had from you was those dang ER window scrapers but is next year the year of the 1912? I doubt it but the car windows will be sorted at least…:ROFLMAO:

P.S. I still think it is one of the most beautiful razors out there but if there was a bigger choice of blades, I might find it more to my liking.
Right, I’m having a go at this. Not today but soon. Thanks Guru.
You called? You can also use some modelling plasticard as a shim as it comes in varying thicknesses if you don't want to cut up DE blades.

floating white cat GIF by lilcozynostril
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