Bringing an old 58 back into service

Hello, I recently acquired a #58 (been after one for a while). It's mostly minty apart from some slight marks on one of the silo doors that I couldn't clean off. I don't know if these are water marks or not? Any advice on how best to remove them, or should I just learn to live with them?

The marks are visible in the bottom left hand corner of the first pic and the top right of the second pic. Sorry the marks aren't that large so they are hard to photograph. Any ideas guys?
If it's a water mark it should polish our with care, if it's plate loss not much you can do except live with it or have it replated.
Thanks, I think it might just be a water mark (fingers crossed) - any advice which type of polish might be best to use? If it was plate loss, would the surface still be smooth?
It's a water mark. It will come off with polish. A very tiny bit of autosol on a cotton bud and a tiny bit of rubbing and it should be fine but PLEASE PLEASE go easy. As if you rub too hard or too much it will remove the nickel plate

If you are worried. Send it to me and I will fix it for you

That's brilliant Steve, thanks for the advice. As it's only a small mark I'll give it a go myself, but thanks for your kind offer.

I'm new to this forum but it seems like there's a lot of goodwill and help on offer. Cheers All.
Rocket Man said:
P.s. I've just spotted a bottle of Bar Keeper's Friend under the sink - would that do the trick or would it remove the plating?!

never heard of it, just looked it up, some sites say it's abrasive, others say it contains Oxalic acid

I don't think i would put it on my razors, but i don't know enough about it to make any real judgement
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