Brazilian Wilkie

A shave buddy gave me a 3 blade tuck of Made in Brazil Wilkinson Sword blades recently. Go here to see what they look like:

These blades were made by Procter & Gamble in Brazil in the past, but alas are discontinued to the best of my knowledge. Nonetheless, they seem readily available in Brazil, but no one exports Brazilian shave products to my knowledge. That is a shame as they have some unique products it appears. To the shave...

After a shower and Barbasol pre-shave face wash I lathered up with RazoRock P.160 soap. I decided to be somewhat formal and broke out the gold Schick Krona razor for this and was handsomely rewarded with a simply stellar shave. Buttery smooth & very sharp. Since these were undoubtedly made side by side with the Brazilian Gillette Platinum Plus I could not help but notice the similarities. I won't say anything more since it was only one shave, but knowing P&G/Gillette's QC I would order a Brazilian "hanger" of 60 blades in a minute if I could. I am however in communication with a Brazilian wholesaler who says he can ship them to me, but I need to know the shipping costs first.
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