Best shave yet...

..After a few disappointing shaves recently, last night's effort was such a contrast! In a state of frustration, I slipped a feather,(first time using one), into my Merkur slant, and got pretty close to bbs without trying too hard. I expected a few nicks here and there but this didn't happen! The reaction from using the Alum however, told the tale,but the asb calmed everything down. I'm well pleased - at last! :D

antdad said:
Good stuff, you'll get better so go light as a Feather with zero pressure.

Did that rhyme?
Hi antdad! Not quite a rhyme, but you've done one of those subtle things with it instead haven't you - much better! Thanks for the encouragement, I don't mind telling you I was flagging a bit,

Cheers, spandex.. :)
spandexcodpiece said:
antdad said:
Good stuff, you'll get better so go light as a Feather with zero pressure.

Did that rhyme?
Hi antdad! Not quite a rhyme, but you've done one of those subtle things with it instead haven't you - much better! Thanks for the encouragement, I don't mind telling you I was flagging a bit,

Cheers, spandex.. :)

I say that was a rhyme; technically it is a pararhymic triplet in iambic pentameter with an asymmetrical syllabic foot and short strophes.

Otherwise known as a "jingle" or "nursery rhyme" ;)
...and I thought it was an ode to shaving.

I missed that you were using a slant, I agree with Arrowhead that is a challenging set up.

Stick with it but if it does become too much try a Feather in the Fat boy you have, the sharp blade mild razor combination is a less taxing shave.
Find ONE setting that you are happy with for a couple of passes. If you want closer dial around that setting.
Arrowhead said:
Given the reputation of the Slant, and the known properties of the Feather, you've done very well there Mr Codpiece.
Hi Arrowhead! Yeah, I was a bit concerned about using the feather considering my lack of experience. But I completely forgot about the potential for disaster when I combined it with the slant! However, I took it real easy with little or no pressure, and I was lucky, it worked out well. One thing for sure, I have found out after all these years, that I have what I would call a medium/ tough beard.

All the best mate,

spandex.. :D
I found that continuous use of Feather blades does me no good at all, and I'm not alone in that. The sharpness unfortunately seems to be combined with a less than smooth edge, which is why some people like to drag them through a piece of cork before use. Saving them for an occasional treat is what has worked for me, so my Fatboy has been designated the Feather razor, and only gets a run out once in a while. It's set on 7, which reflects my preference for a bit of bite, but 3 would be much more sensible as a starting point.
Great news there spandexcodpiece. I will get a slant - one day. I keep looking wistfully at the 39C ... and then looking gloomily, but more realistically at my current bank balance, or lack thereof, to be more accurate; I am expecting a 1971 Gillette tto off ebay any day soon(ish) now.
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