Best Foam Goo or brushless shave cream?

Sometimes, life runs at a hectic pace and I can’t make time to shave properly, I’m looking for something that I can just chuck on my face and shave off to be as fast as I can get away with. I’d like something as good as possible, suggestions please.
Sometimes, life runs at a hectic pace and I can’t make time to shave properly, I’m looking for something that I can just chuck on my face and shave off to be as fast as I can get away with. I’d like something as good as possible, suggestions please.
BBA shave butter, comes in a tube and is very good.

Lea shaving goo is pretty good and La Toja is excellent. There are two versions, the standard and sensitive.

I picked some up when ordering some soaps and creams and splashes as I thought my Dad might like it.

I gave it a try one day and found it worked well. Never going to be as good as creams and soaps, but good when you’re in a rush or want to pack light.
I am not sure how much time if any is saved in bypassing a brush and using, say, Palmolive Shave Cream, but if you want to go down that route and buy something ready made and from the high street then the King of Shaves shave gel works for me, minimal lather but a lubricated shave.
Sometimes, life runs at a hectic pace and I can’t make time to shave properly, I’m looking for something that I can just chuck on my face and shave off to be as fast as I can get away with. I’d like something as good as possible, suggestions please.

I have a beard, and I have been using Proraso Green foam to tidy my neckline and cheekbones. It's not as good as the green cream but it's not bad though.

If there's a TK Maxx next to you, they sometimes have it on their shelves occasionally.
I find that attempting to slather anything evenly on my face is messy and drawn out - honestly you convince yourself that hand lathering onto face is quick - but really its just slow and messy.

By far the quickest shave method of all that i have tried, imo, is this

1) splash water on face
2) wet the brush - give it a half-squeeze to remove excess water
3) squeeze a tiny amount of cream to top of tube and wipe it onto brush
4) run the brush around your face to make later and cover your face evenly

5) Pinch your nose and suck lips on horizontal finger to clean the excess away

Then shave and add more cream to brush as necessary - rinse and shake brush when done.

That is super quick on the scale of things and the brush will work the cream into the stubble properley so less chance of cuts or rash
As stated abouce it’s not always quicker using canned goo and i’m not against anyone that chooses to use it but for me a £3 puck of wilkinson Sword is far better than most cans.
The whole shaving experience is something i enjoy & never rush.
for me i can whip up a good lather in approximately 30 seconds if i had to, so for me putting canned goo on the face takes approximately 20 seconds meaning your only saving 10 seconds but granted you’ve no brush to clean
The whole ethos of this shaving forum is to embrace the techniques of DE shaving, taking ones time, not rushing and enjoying the time out ritual of pampering one’s self using top quality hardware and software. If speed and a desire to get the shave over as quickly as possible I would ditch your DE razor and go electric eg Braun, Philips etc
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