Best electric conical-burr coffee grinder for under £100

Tuesday September 3, 2013
Cambridgeshire, UK
I typically use a French press or recently a pour-over brewer to make coffee. Both require relatively coarse grinds or the filters let the finer bits through the steel filters and make the coffee muddy.
I recently bought a Krups GVX231 flat-burr grinder and I'm not happy with it. At the coarsest setting the grinds are too fine. It would be great for an automatic drip brewer or espresso but not what I need it for.
I have an ancient hand-grind conical mill which makes a far better cup than the Kraps but it hurts my wrist over long usage.
I've been considering a Dualit 75015 conical-burr grinder since I hear that it's leaps & bounds better than my Kraps grinder but it's double the price. I figure if I'm going to go in that deep, I should ask around and get a consensus.
The general rule is to pay at least double for the grinder than what you pay for the brewer. And that conical-burr grinders are better than flat-burr grinders.
So, what do you coffee pros have to say?
Any other recommendations?
We've had the dualit for a couple of years now and it works fine. We use a filter machine and aeropress so I think it would be fine for what you want. Static can be a bit of an issue but I've found putting a strip of rolled up foil in the collecting cup helps dissipate it.

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I wondered how you got on Mr S?
I am new to decent coffee. (Have used filter for decades, but it just doen't seem as good anymore)
So am just starting in this conversation.

I was looking at similar but really, when you look at the prices, you end up wanting to buy the £300 one don't you?

I chose to get the porlex mini hand grinder.
It manages a nice even grind even when coarse for a cafetiere.
I am really pleased with it.

I have now (having been amazed at the flavour that can come out of a coffee)
Decided to get an aeropress as that can deliver at all sorts of levels of grinds.
The consensus is if you want acidity go for conical burrs, if you want body go for flat burrs.

Interesting and very concise summary! I'm a lever user, and I've also heard that flat burrs work better with levers (of course I have conical).
Iberital mc2
Is very good, noticeably better than the dualit that it replaced.
Over budget, worth it though.

I bought it nearly new from someone at work who had upgraded,
staggered how much difference it made to the taste of the brew.
Yon Dualit is a great grinder. I love mine - on my second one as they don't like stones amongst the beans.

Out of interest Carl, who sold you beans with a stone in? Were they Ethiopian beans perchance?

On the great grinder debate, a secondhand Mazzer Super Jolly can be a bargain. I managed to snag one for £118 and it didn't even need new burrs.
One stone in dozens and dozens of kilos of beans and they gave me loyalty points equivalent to the cost of a new grinder - but no names, no pack drill.

Not Ethiopian but all sacks of beans are likely to contain stones. I learned that the de-stoning process doesn't happen until the retailer does it.
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