Attachments appearing on Tapatalk posts

Essex, UK
On a couple of occasions lately I have replied to a post using tapatalk, and ended up with an attachment which I didn't put there. It appears to have happened to other people as well.

Any ideas!!

Now they have all disappeared and it seems to have fixed itself.
I haven't :) So... tell me more...

Are you seeing this in Tapatalk or when using a browser?
Is it happening on posts made by Tapatalk only?
Is there any property attached to the picture you're all seeing?
Are you all seeing the same picture?
Have you updated your Tapatalk to the latest version for your platform?
What family of device are you using? (Android/iPad/...)
What version of OS (IOS 5.x; Android 2.3.x/4.x;...)
What version of the Tapatalk application? (Is it Tapatalk or Tapatalk HD)

Is it by chance the icon picture as seen in the main screen of Tapatalk? If so I think it might be what Tapatalk does when it can't load the picture as quickly as it would like so puts that there as a placeholder... so you're more likely to see it in picture heavy threads (or if you're on a shite mobile network)
I will try and answer the questions.

The attachment seemed to add itself randomly when I replied to a post using Tapatalk only. I could then see the attachment in both Tapatalk and when using a Web browser on a PC.

I think it is only happening on Tapatalk posts.

The picture is of a razor, which Bartsman had attached to a post asking for identification of it, and seems to replace your signature.

I'm using Android 4.1.1 running Tapatalk 2.4.13

We all get the same attachment.

Strangely all the attachments seem to have now disappeared from the posts.
Probably not much use to you now but I'm on the latest update of Tapatalk on Jelly Bean and had this issue with exactly the same photo appearing below my SOTD. Post No. 127 here shows the same pic in Tapatalk. Having checked just now through Windows XP, IE 8 and it's not there and has also gone from Tapatalk on my phone too.
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