Artisan (shaving soap/cream/etc) April

After the successful and enjoyable 'Fat February' I thought about starting a month dedicated to our artisan shaving soaps. I imagine for many of you, it might not be much effort but for someone like I myself, I seem to get stuck on the old classics. So a dedicated month to my artisan shaving soaps but be a nice way to give these soaps a bit more of a run out!

Here are the rules for Artisan April.

There are no rules!

If you want to use for the entire month then great, if just for a few days then that is fantastic either! Or if you use them all the time and want to/remember to post here, that's great as well!

Aside from soaps, creams, croaps are all included. Also, things like Artisan aftershaves, balms, brushes, you name it! All of them can be included here!

Now, is anyone with me?


Edit, here is a picture of a few things I will use.

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After the successful and enjoyable 'Fat February' I thought about starting a month dedicated to our artisan shaving soaps. I imagine for many of you, it might not be much effort but for someone like I myself, I seem to get stuck on the old classics. So a dedicated month to my artisan shaving soaps but be a nice way to give these soaps a bit more of a run out!

Here are the rules for Artisan April.

There are no rules!

If you want to use for the entire month then great, if just for a few days then that is fantastic either! Or if you use them all the time and want to/remember to post here, that's great as well!

Now, is anyone with me?

I will stand with you Shubs.
Together we stand, divided we fall! :cool:

Scratching my head here ...

Hmmm ... I've got a good stash of Wickham's. Unless we're considering the merry men at the Ever-Ready factory back in the day as artisans then that's about it for me.

Yeah! I'm in ... if anything else occurs to me, I'll work it in.

Wickham's 1912
Hampshire Wool Fat
Dalit Sandalwood
Bee Clean Peppermint
Lasheba Ghassoul
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Best Wishes Good Luck GIF by Studios 2016
Perfect time for me to launch a couple more fragrances
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