Apple Help?

Nice one, Exapno. That was just what I was looking for! Ta much.

Better advice on here ad in a way that I understand than most other web resources.
You can configure the trackpad to "right-click" like a pc if you prefer:

start "system preferences" either from the apple menu or the icon in the doc that has cogs on it.
Go to the track-pad section
Change the "2nd Click" menu option to "bottom-right" and now it should be just like a PC.

Default tracking speed for mice/trackpads is really slow - play with those settings until you get what you like.

As others have said, watch the videos on the Apple website. A trip to your local library may be worthwhile - ours has loads of mac guides.

Moving to a Mac takes a bit of getting used to - having the menus at the top of the screen rather than the top of the application window usually catches people for a while.
The other one is that clicking on the red button doesn't quit the application, just the current window. You need to quit using the menu to really kill the application. Why tell you this? Well, if you don't quit an app, it will re-open when you start the computer - I get lots of support calls at work from new starters asking "why does word/excel etc keep starting up"

Usually takes about 2 weeks to get comfortable with using a Mac so keep at it and ask if you get stuck.
Thanks HM, getting used to the two-fingered tap (sounds rude does that) for right mouse actions and have reconfigured the dock to stay totally out of sight until i move the pointer down there. Also been doing the four-fingered swipe but find it easier just to move the pointer down till the dock appears and switch apps that way. Actually quite like the topmenu that only appears when the pointer is again moved up that way. Of course, Matron bringing me fags has improved my mood and ability to learn no end!
Hi, a couple of other things........
If anything freezes alt/cmd/esc held down together will let you force quit programs
cmd & r = refresh web page
cmd & m = minimise page
cmd & n = open new page
open new tab on a page just to the right of the last open tab there is a dark icon click on it so you can group what pages you have open. I have all my email on one page same with shaving stuff, keeps things tidy.
cmd & c = copy
cmd & p = paste

I am sure you will grasp it a lot faster than you think just forget your pc and learn the Mac bit at a time.
Any questions just ask there are a lot of Mac users on here
All good stuff, gents. Many thanks indeed. Are their any other programs folks can recommend? I steadfastly refuse to embark on this madness people call Candy Crush - the wife is obsessed as is dear Mother and some of their telephone conversations sound totally bizarre.

P.S. AD, Chelsea's title this year?

I am right proper grateful for all the encouragement and ideas folks and have now reached the stage where i wouldn't use a PC laptop if it was given me free. I'd take it mind but flog it for more Mac-age. My internet surfing is quicker, easier and more seamless as is my email. Both VLC and utorrent are better and more error free on the Mac and now that I am used to navigating around, I honestly couldn't begin to think of going back. Always been my favourite fruit, now it's my favourite computing tool as well. Only thing is, the Mrs wants an iPad for her Birthday. I thought you were supposed to trade them in for a younger model when they turned forty, not buy them ruddy presents!
Congrats, You can now post about how superior you feel when inevitable the mac V PC debate comes up again.
Haha, me feeling superior is not a thing that comes naturally despite all the flannel I put out on here. It is, however, by far and away the best machine I've ever owned and I would't go back to a PC based system. The magsafe power socket is a dream.
"The magsafe power socket is a dream"

I have both the old & new magsafe connecters and I much prefer the old mk1, the mk2 tends to pop out a bit too easy for my liking ;)
jaycey said:
"The magsafe power socket is a dream"

I have both the old & new magsafe connecters and I much prefer the old mk1, the mk2 tends to pop out a bit too easy for my liking ;)

Aye, it's no good when it pops out too easily. It was one of our requirements when looking for a replacement computer as we had to have the jack socket on the old Dell laptop repaired twice due to it working loose over time and not charging the battery at all. Also, I can be quite clumsy and forget its plugged in then get up and wander off only to be wrenched back by the power cord. Our daughter is the proverbial bull in a china shop and has tripped up over the cable a number of times causing the expected damage. A certain dog has his effect too but he ain't as bad as child and I.

I had read before purchasing that many Mac users preferred the older type but to be honest I didn't know what really to expect only that I was getting something which would greatly reduce the chance of damage by the hitherto aforementioned clumsy oafs.

Anyhoo, the gaffer wants an iPad for her 40th now so I reckon I'm duty bound.....:s
I've found the secret to using a mac is learning the keyboard shortcut's (and now the gestures). A shortcut that looks to be missing here is delete, 'CMD' + 'BACKSPACE' and empty the trash is 'CMD' + 'SHIFT' + 'BACKSPACE', if you use the righthand side cmd button you can do it one handed, living the dream.
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