Any injector users here?

Francorelli said:
The O Type sounds interesting - is this the one? I'd love to try one of those out.


Yes, I like the look of that short handle I2. I believe my Golden 500 has the cheeky Hydro Magic feature too.

Yep, I think your Golden 500 is a hydro as well. It's actually a nice feature that works well for cleaning out whatever mighta got stuck in there. I've heard it's important to be gentle with that lever because of how old these razors and and moving parts going bad over the years and such. I also like the smidge of extra head weight those have. Make sure to change the blades ONLY with that hydro lever closed and tight. The I type has a handle that's too short for me and I have to bear down even more than usual with one of those.

Yeah, the razor you show is the version I meant. Look at how comfortable the handle might be. Only thing I didn't care for was the wide head, but that's just me. Nice shave with my NorthWestCampus clone that came out years ago, although not as good as the Schick. I've heard the real ones shave even better. You can do a search and find some pics of those razors.....I used the non adjustable type.

Haven't looked for a long time, but sometimes a real O type will show up for auction. If I remember, they started at around $100 for one in good shape, but that was a while ago.

Type at you later,
Francorelli said:
Here we are - a few pics of my Schick Injector 'Golden 500'.

I used it this morning, and as always it delivered effortlessly great results. I've only ever used two types of blade with it. NOS Schick Platinums made in Holland (excellent), and some modern Personnas from Connaught (ok, but not as good). One of the photos shows the Schick Krona blades that came with it in the case, but I've never tried those. This is the only Injector I've tried, but I certainly find it to be a supremely smooth and efficient tool - I recall Dodgy describing the feeling as 'wiping the whiskers away' with a squeegee.

I've often thought it's a shame that Injectors never gained significant market share over DEs, because I consider them as having some design advantages over DE razors. For starters, is there any blade-replacement system that is as ingenious, satisfying and downright cool as the Injector? The head shape is very manoeuvrable and a doddle to get under the nose, more so than a DE or GEM-style SE head.

If I were to design my ultimate safety razor, it might possibly be an Injector weighing about 80g or more, with the chunky chrome aesthetics of a Fatboy, Aristocrat or Merkur HD. Maybe even a stainless steel version like Ikon or Feather. Now that would be a damn fine razor...




Hi Jos

Thanks for posting that. It looks like a lovely razor.

I have one that looks similar but the case is totally different. I'll post up pics shortly, maybe someone can tell me what my injectors are?

dodgy said:
Francorelli said:
[Hi buddy

The handle is actually my least favourite aspect of this Injector - too long, too light and too plastic! Hence my musings on chunky metal handles :icon_smile:

Yes, I should definitely give those blades a try, I'm not sure why I've not tested them out yet.

Oh yeah, I agree with you about the handle length and weight needing to be changed. Just saying that as far as a bad situation goes.....heh. One handle that's excellent is the 'Grip' model. That injector has what looks like a tennis racquet handle in a brown color with the same head design as yours.

The injector that really does have some weight is the O type, which mighta been the last version made (these were mostly sold in Japan). I think they weigh maybe 50g or more, with a tremendously comfortable rubber coated handle. Never used one, but I did have a famous clone (NWC) that performed pretty well.


Here's a few pics of the unused short handle I2 in the arsenal. This one's got the Hydro Magic feature, which seems to work ok. I've tried other Hydros in the past and I like em. You can see the black dummy blade still loaded.

That hydromatic looks dead cool dodgy. What's the hydromatic feature all about? Is it purely a cleaning function?

How does it shave?

Here's a pic of my 3 injectors. I know one of them is the Schick Stick and the other is an adjustable but don't really know much else!

Feeling old here. I'm using a Schick E Type. Not the most aggressive razor on the block (unless you don't put the head back together the right way when you clean it). It's the only razor that I'll use in the shower, kind of like a 70yr old Bic!
After reading all of your notes, I'm going to have to get myself one of those newfangled adjustable ones!
Not sure if I am hijacking the thread (sorry if so) but I can't get on with these injectors.
I have tried modern blades from Connaught with my PAL injector, Schcik Platinum Plus with the Schick adjustable, and Gillette Platinum blades with the same Schick razor. On the adjustables I have tried settings three through five.

PAL Injector with vintage Gillette platinum blades

Am I doing something wrong? These blades cut the skin, not the stubble. Loads of nicks and after 5 passes (yes 5) it still feels very stubbly across most of the face! Yesterday and the day before the adjustable Schick razor with bundled Platinum Plus blades were a bit better (different razor and different blade though) - no nicks - but still had a bit of stubble left over (nowhere near as bad as today though).

I've put loads of Proraso on as post-shave to soothe the soreness. I still need a shave but skin is too sore and covered in patches of blood!

I am using the head pretty much flat against the face, but have also tried a slight angle, have tried short slow strokes and fast long strokes, applied some pressure and virtually none, and still getting nowhere fast.

So am I doing it right and it's not just for me or is there more I can try?
NotTheStig said:
Not sure if I am hijacking the thread (sorry if so) but I can't get on with these injectors.
I have tried modern blades from Connaught with my PAL injector, Schcik Platinum Plus with the Schick adjustable, and Gillette Platinum blades with the same Schick razor. On the adjustables I have tried settings three through five.

PAL Injector with vintage Gillette platinum blades

Am I doing something wrong? These blades cut the skin, not the stubble. Loads of nicks and after 5 passes (yes 5) it still feels very stubbly across most of the face! Yesterday and the day before the adjustable Schick razor with bundled Platinum Plus blades were a bit better (different razor and different blade though) - no nicks - but still had a bit of stubble left over (nowhere near as bad as today though).

I've put loads of Proraso on as post-shave to soothe the soreness. I still need a shave but skin is too sore and covered in patches of blood!

I am using the head pretty much flat against the face, but have also tried a slight angle, have tried short slow strokes and fast long strokes, applied some pressure and virtually none, and still getting nowhere fast.

So am I doing it right and it's not just for me or is there more I can try?

if you are getting that many cuts, use a different razor till you heal up

to cut yourself that much you are doing something really wrong
I got my first cuts with an injector only today. Being fairly good at DE shaving I am used to nicks when inexperienced but I would have expected more than 10% of the stubble to have been removed as well.

Sorry Dodgy, I really appreciate you lending me the Schick tools to compare against my PAL and modern blades, and from what I've tried over the last three days the Schick razor and blades were a lot better than my own stuff.

I have some vintage PAL blades on the way; I'll try these too, probably in both razors.
Wow, talk about extremes. I've not tried those blades yet. I'll be using it ones my current one is dull.

I'm quite a newb in using an injector so I can't think why there is such a difference between me having the best shaves to date and you being so sore on your face!
Might be the pressure, which came from frustration and desire to find the right technique. Some parts of the face are acceptable but sore and others feel like they haven't been shaved at all. These are the usual problem areas but can be tackled with a good DE razor and blade combo.
NotTheStig said:
Might be the pressure, which came from frustration and desire to find the right technique. Some parts of the face are acceptable but sore and others feel like they haven't been shaved at all. These are the usual problem areas but can be tackled with a good DE razor and blade combo.

Oh boy,

That don't sound so good. Hmmm, maybe try one other thing and if that doesn't help then skip those blades. That would be to try one more blade, just to make sure the one you loaded didn't accidentally rub against the safety bar or maybe you just got a dud blade. Also you might want to try that new blade in the Schick and dial the razor down to the #3 setting.

If that doesn't help, then I don't know what else to suggest (except to never use those blades again). Believe it or not, most other vintage blades won't perform quite like the Gillette does, so other blades might be fine for you. Man, I'm sorry for the unpleasant experience.

No problem Martin, I still (perversely) am very pleased you gave me the opportunity to try them. I will try again as I really want to get them to work. I dialled down to 3 during the shave to minimise the soreness.
I'm pretty confused as to why and I really want them to work. I think it's the lack of getting through the stubble - I am probably pushing to hard to see if it'll help. Obviously not!
Those English Wilkinson DEs you sent me, though... superb!
NotTheStig said:
No problem Martin, I still (perversely) am very pleased you gave me the opportunity to try them. I will try again as I really want to get them to work. I dialled down to 3 during the shave to minimise the soreness.
I'm pretty confused as to why and I really want them to work. I think it's the lack of getting through the stubble - I am probably pushing to hard to see if it'll help. Obviously not!
Those English Wilkinson DEs you sent me, though... superb!

Ok then,

If you don't have any better luck with those blades this next time when using a new one in the Schick, then just chalk it off to a bad fit. Heh, it's nuts how DE blades can be so personal, and SE blades can be the same way.

I have another vintage dispenser of some Personna Stainless Steel blades I'll send along before too long. I would bet money those will work better for you, and if not, then who knows. Sharp but more forgiving type of thing.

Heh, I'm glad you find those old Wilkinsons to work well. I love those things.

Dodgy, this generosity is getting expensive for you! You got to let me give you some money for these Personnas, ok?! I hear you do the same thing with Slick for all the 'rare' razors you find for him! :angel:

I have found modern Wilkinson blades to be either draggy and a bit blunt or fairly smooth and a bit blunt. Such a shame so few blades are made so well these days. I'm too young to remember the heyday... I digress!
NotTheStig said:
Dodgy, this generosity is getting expensive for you! You got to let me give you some money for these Personnas, ok?! I hear you do the same thing with Slick for all the 'rare' razors you find for him! :angel:

I have found modern Wilkinson blades to be either draggy and a bit blunt or fairly smooth and a bit blunt. Such a shame so few blades are made so well these days. I'm too young to remember the heyday... I digress!

i agree, i got some modern wilkinson blades

they hurt like hell pulling all the hairs out
NotTheStig said:
Dodgy, this generosity is getting expensive for you! You got to let me give you some money for these Personnas, ok?! I hear you do the same thing with Slick for all the 'rare' razors you find for him! :angel:!

Heh, I may send a few inexpensive small items to E4....I mean Slimbo, but I will sometimes break even on the razors and soaps and even some 'after care cream for cats' and such that I manage to find with his birthdate. Yeah, he is very 'enthusiastic' about that sorta stuff.

The blades I buy are rarely even close to market value so don't feel guilty. I don't use an injector all that much anymore and don't need a large stockpile of blades.

Speaking of blades, I have a link that may be of interest regarding those Gillette types I sent. There's a few other reviews I'd also read, with people having good luck in general with those. You can read about very similar problems that you're having as well....the last post will interest you.

It could be these blades are just not a good fit, or it could maybe be technique or the razor or who the hell knows what. These are sharper and less forgiving than most other blades I've tried, which doesn't always mean it's the best blade around.

Anyway, here's the link:

Oh yeah, if you look around that place you'll find a few more opinions about that blade, both being positive. Heh, not that it means all that much, but it does show a vague pattern, which is what a bunch of reviews is supposed to show. I have my own opinion about these blades but don't wanna skew anyone's first impression about how they fit me personally.
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