Another video : Geo F Trumper barbershop

Friday July 10, 2009

Since I cant go to London at this time and film a video by myself, I have compiled 4 different videos about the Geo F Trumper London Barbershop.Its funny how they seem to provide the worst customer service experience (specially if you don't buy a single thing) but the ones that are "easier" to find on youtube videos.I really wish to record a video myself on the Truefitt and Hill store as well as in TOBS and D.R. Harris.

1st segment : Timesonline video about how to shave.

2nd segment : BBC documentary "The Importance of being Morrisey"(a big The Smiths/Morrisey fan here )

3rd segment : from a video called "Hidden Secrets of London"

4th segment : A documentary about the Edwardian gentleman and courtesy of sunburyboy93.

Enjoy it and VIVA LONDON!!!
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