Anatomy of a replate (picture heavy)

Tuesday February 18, 2014
Disclaimer: this post will contain a lack of gentlemanly restraint. So be warned browsers from Stoat and Shiv.

Jay, known on here as @jaycee-uk was staggeringly kind to me on my 50th birthday and offered to plate my Tech as a present. These are some pictures of the before, during and after.

Here's my nickel plated raised flat bottom 1940s English made Gillette Tech as it was, a lovely shaver if a bit drab

Jay took it and treated it very severely

Dipped in acidic whatnots it soon was back to brass or as Jay called it "naked"

After that it had a thorough polishing and a coat of copper and then nickel and even at that point it still looked smashing

Then came the real magic, Jay took this already great looking razor and by some arcane manipulation of the physick (probably involving virgins, blood and a midnight ritual) it came out coated in shiny, thick gold (we likes the preciousususssss).

After that he packaged it up with extravagant care and posted it to me.

I'm happier than a pig in a vegan restaurant. Thanks Jay, you're a complete and utter gent.

If you want this magic working on your tatty razors then his site is
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Like you Uncle Bertie I have Jay work his alchemy on one of my Aristocrat cases and to say that it is better than brand new is an understatement. I was so happy with what he sent me back that rather than just be eternally grateful, I sent him another in even worse state to see what further miracles he can perform.
I can only add to your endorsement and recommend that if are considering getting a razor re-plated or a case restored that you send it Jay ' s way.
It will be Chris, but more importantly it will be thoroughly used. Great razors deserve to be working tools.
Totally agree Uncle B ! My gold tech is a real workhorse ! Razors should be used and enjoyed. They can always be tidied up if they get used lots !

I'm just about to do another fat handle for the sax player in our band .... I've convinced him to shave properly so he's bought a tech on he 'bay and I'm going to make it look a million dollars for him as a present. I could do these all day long!

Have a fab weekend,

Jay :)
It will be Chris, but more importantly it will be thoroughly used. Great razors deserve to be working tools.

Totally agree Uncle B ! My gold tech is a real workhorse ! Razors should be used and enjoyed. They can always be tidied up if they get used lots !

Agreed gents, frequent use is the highest compliment. Poor phrasing on my part, I meant to say it's display quality. And what better way to inspire a new user to dive down the rabbit hole?

Power to your elbow.

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