Acquisitions Monday 18th to Sunday 24th March

I've had an eventful week. My Rapira pink and blues, Swedes and Sputniks all arrived from Russia/Turkey (100 of each blade), and to top it all I received my NF Tubby 2 brush. Superb. Now the fun begins.......
P.s. A big thank you to Peter (Fido) for his helpful advice when deciding on which brush would suit my particular demands. Cheers Mate.
Pedestal Bowl #2 by Steve Woodhead, seen here against MWF and Semogue 830 brush for size comparison.

This is my second piece of art from Steve; the first was a scuttle. This time I wanted more volume in which to create lather so I went for a larger vessel.
Ridges round the inside help to create lather quicker and this beauty can hold a fair amount and still be gripped safely by the pedestal.
You need somewhere to put this down in your bathroom (not really much space around my sink) and it's great fun whipping up a lather.

A new acquisition for me today, I've been after one for a while and this came up at an excellent price from our friend Audiolab


I knew it was a big brush, but to be honest I hadn't realised just how big. Here it is alongside a few other familiar brushes for sake of comparison


I have a Commodore on it's way as well to join the family :)
I've already mentioned that I had a Rolls Razor coming - well, it's here!!


I've had a go at shaving with it, but it still needs a bit of work. Feeling a bit raw on the one cheek I managed to get through :D


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A 4/8 C V Heljestrand, Eskilstuna Sweden from the invisible edge. I'm a little unhappy about the bolt instead of a rivet for the pivot pin. I will be looking to get that fixed by someone better at it than me. It's a lovely little razor, very light and easy to control.

LTB is this you
I love LTBs photos of brushes, they're always really well done, very professional. Well apart from the Colonel not being straight on the box!
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