Acquisitions 1st Mar - 31st Mar 2016

I was looking at some very similar blades not long ago - with considerable wear on the Omote side - and the owner had used a wine cork and wet and dry paper to recreate a hollow grind and re-establish the spine. His razors had a softer iron on that side so doing this was relatively easy. The finished pictures were superb and make the razor easier to hone.

I'm sending them to @pjgh on Monday. Hopefully wine corks won't be necessary.
Pound world bargains.
Thanks for the heads up. The Gillette Balm is good. The one I have is nearly empty. The Nivea is a good cream.
Some Boots branches have got the Gillette balm and others for a £1 too. Looks like they have been delisted, no yellow sticker, just marked up for a £1 in the shaving section.


Windrose H-7 handle :)

Pictured with the handle from an R89 for comparison, and with the Braveheart head that I bought it to use with. Makes for a nice, heavy, chunky razor, I just hope the handle is long enough. Can't wait to give it a go ... C'mon whiskers, grow! ;)
7 NOS Corrux blades for my 1912s
They are in stunning condition. They might have come out the factory yesterday. :D
I have hand stropped one of them with some black tape attached to the spine, but that was hard work.
I need to hunt down a stropper or stropping handle now. :rolleyes:

Mail call. Bufflehead "Fifth Season" & Buddha brush. Two new CRSW v2 select and Oliva. I like the brush handle a lot, but the knot is way too stiff. I may try steaming it out and resetting it at a higher loft. Or sending it to Brad Sears for a 30mm 3-band Manchurian transplant.
Got a few goodies today

Brush (my first Silvertip), Through the Fire Soap and some blades courtesy of a very generous pif from @Holyzeus

Some P&B Sanskrit after catching release day fever and some new blades to try.

The razor is a 1920-1928 Gillette Debutante, an Old style marketed at women, but the same razor.
I'm trying to get myself birth year razors for various members of my family. My Oupa (mum's dad) was born in 1927 so this is the one I got to remember him by. The razor is in good nick, but the case is not so I got it for £13 delivered which I was pretty happy with.
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Got a few goodies today

Brush (my first Silvertip), Through the Fire Soap and some blades courtesy of a very generous pif from @Holyzeus

Some P&B Sanskrit after catching release day fever and some new blades to try.

The razor is a 1920-1928 Gillette Debutante, an Old style marketed at women, but the same razor.
I'm trying to get myself birth year razors for various members of my family. My Oupa (mum's dad) was born in 1927 so this is the one I got to remember him by. The razor is in good nick, but the case is not so I got it for £13 delivered which I was pretty happy with.

The pic can't be seen! And we like pics!!;)
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