A Week Old Convert

Friday September 27, 2013
Potters Bar
Hi everyone I'm Jake from Potters Bar. Been lurking around for 10 days, I thought it's time I've joined. :icon_razz:

I've been shaving for 15 years ever since I was 15. Always shaved with cartridges and for the past 2 years alternating between electric foil shaver and cartridges. I have a sensitive skin, thick & coarse facial hair and for the past few years developed a facial eczema.

I've always hated shaving and the beard. Shaving always irritated my skin with burns/bumps and ingrown hairs and the eczema made this worse. My shaving cycle was between 2 to 5 days, depending on how much the skin is healed but after a shave I was back to angry red face with razor burns and bumps.

I was always looking for something to make shaving a better experience but nothing was working. About 10 days ago I was finally fed up with cartridge and the electric shaver, I've binned everything and started searching for something better. I knew about the Double Edge safety razors and Straight razors but always been scared of them. I thought it would be easier to clean and cheaper too if I could just summon enough courage shave with DE.

So I started to google DE and from subreddits to forums lots of information was on my screen. After reading for couple of days I was convinced and ordered; Parker 22R, Badger Brush, different brand of blades, Arko, Proraso Red and TOBS Sandalwood soap/cream.

Even though I've been shaving everyday for the past week, my face is cleared! All redness, razor burns/bumps disappeared. For the first time in my life I look forward to next shave and actually enjoy the experience! :D

Theshavingroom and few other forums have been an incredible source of information and help. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.

welcome, I too suffered from razor burn and ingrown hairs from cartridge shaving, had been using electric for many years but I was tired of never feeling cleanly shaven. Like you I discovered the joys of no rash, and a much better experience of using a DE (makes me wonder how cartridge razors ever made it so big on the market).
Welcome aboard!
Welcome Jake and I can see that having discovered shaving nirvana it won't be long before you're trying straights too. Good to hear how much of a difference it made to you though just shows all the marketing hype we believe about cartridges!
fancontroller said:
Welcome Jake.
Best thing you can do is read through the various tips etc. on these forums.

Interested why you have chosen a Parker; it's not one that's discussed or recommended much.

Thank you.

I was shopping around on amazon and wanted a DE with butterfly mechanism. Parkers were the only ones that came up and 22R had positive reviews, so I went for it. I'm not disappointed, it shaves very well.

My second razor will be a Gillette Fatboy, if I can find a good deal. :)
fancontroller said:
Good luck with getting a Fatboy, Slims are easier to get and cheaper. I really enjoy using my Slim.
Have you considered a Progress or a slant? Both excellent choices.

Yeah if I can't get Fatboy I'll get a Slim instead. I didn't know about of Progress and Slant, had a quick look on youtube and slant grabbed my attention. I'll put on my wish list. Thank you.
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