A shaver from the country that brought you tobacco, blues, and Gillette razors

I am a huge BBQ fan, which is about the only southern food that I like. I've always wondered about southern BBQ fans in other countries...it's gotta be difficult to crave some mesquite BBQ ribs when you live in the U.K.

If I ever develop a craving for iced tea then I know that something has gone terribly wrong. (Seriously, what do these weird southerners see in that stuff?)
Hi and welcome to TSR see how Martin the Chicago mobster/burglar keeps referring to us British as "Limeys" just because we were forced to eat limes for scurvy (the Royal Navy in the early 19th century) He's actually provoking us to prove a point so....... OOOOOOOOOOOOOO HandBag :p
Hi and most welcome to TSR! :D If you want to learn Straight razor shaving, maybe you and Dogy/Martin can do it at the same time!? He has been wanting to for a long time, but I think he wrote once about that it would be nice to have a pal on the same side of the pond to do it with. I could maybe help you guys out to get started, if you both are intrested that is ...
Thanks for the warm welcome folks, I actually shaved with a straight razor fairly often until I discovered disposable blade straight razors and decided that I liked them better.

England, the country that...brought us stale sandwiches and awful 70s scifi? Heh, England has brought us a lot of great things...after all the USA wouldn't even be here if it weren't for you folks graciously refusing us representation...:D
Mikael said:
Hi and most welcome to TSR! :D If you want to learn Straight razor shaving, maybe you and Dogy/Martin can do it at the same time!? He has been wanting to for a long time, but I think he wrote once about that it would be nice to have a pal on the same side of the pond to do it with. I could maybe help you guys out to get started, if you both are intrested that is ...

Aw shucks Mikael, that is a very generious offer to help get us started with straight razors!!! I was touched that you remembered me saying that thing about having a shaving buddy over here who talks good English. That is SO sweet of you to think of me.

I know you are hesitant and shy about posting here, and it took a lot for you to make the effort. God bless your little heart for at least trying to overcome your hatred for all things American.

So, new guy from Texas, this is the kind of help you can expect to find here. Beautiful, ain't it? I think he is from some Third World country with a high suicide rate.

May I take a few days to consider your offer.......my new bestest buddy.

Martini (lots of em)

John said:
Hi and welcome to TSR

New guy, this is another person you wanna be a little skeptical about. One of the members who likes to get things going a little crazy if he can. And sometimes he does. Maybe not a bad idea to put him on 'ignore' mode. Hehe John, certainly no offense meant as usual....blah blah blah SO VERY SORRY (said in my best Kevin Klein, Fish called Wanda voice).

Look at some of his other posts and you'll notice a disturbing pattern that will creep you out I bet.

Always nice typing in your direction John
dodgy said:
Mikael said:
Hi and most welcome to TSR! :D If you want to learn Straight razor shaving, maybe you and Dogy/Martin can do it at the same time!? He has been wanting to for a long time, but I think he wrote once about that it would be nice to have a pal on the same side of the pond to do it with. I could maybe help you guys out to get started, if you both are intrested that is ...

Aw shucks Mikael, that is a very generious offer to help get us started with straight razors!!! I was touched that you remembered me saying that thing about having a shaving buddy over here who talks good English. That is SO sweet of you to think of me.

I know you are hesitant and shy about posting here, and it took a lot for you to make the effort. God bless your little heart for at least trying to overcome your hatred for all things American.

So, new guy from Texas, this is the kind of help you can expect to find here. Beautiful, ain't it? I think he is from some Third World country with a high suicide rate.

May I take a few days to consider your offer.......my new bestest buddy.

Martini (lots of em)

John said:
Hi and welcome to TSR

New guy, this is another person you wanna be a little skeptical about. One of the members who likes to get things going a little crazy if he can. And sometimes he does. Maybe not a bad idea to put him on 'ignore' mode. Hehe John, certainly no offense meant as usual....blah blah blah SO VERY SORRY (said in my best Kevin Klein, Fish called Wanda voice).

Look at some of his other posts and you'll notice a disturbing pattern that will creep you out I bet.

Always nice typing in your direction John

Ok that's just revenge for me implying your a fat walrus with a slimy brill creamed centre parting (with kiss curls) hair style,and buck teeth like fangs but a bit more southern in appearance (backwards/possibly due to inbreeding....."my mother's my sister") just for your refrence Otto West (Kevin Kline) was a gun toting yank, who was killed by Brit, Ken Pile (Michael Palin), with a steam roller,what was that pisss taking of his stutter "K,K,K,K,K,K, ken" funny film that :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:
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