A return to DE


LeJog 2022 Finisher
Don't be too put off by the name as believe me I am not working in conjunction with darker powers!

At 50+ shaving is nothing really new, but after quitting DE's years ago in favour of cartridge razors (Wilkinson Hydra 5's in my case) a visit to a barbers for my father's wedding (82 years old and please don't ask as it still bewilders me) for a decent haircut and a single blade shave it made me realise I'd been down the wrong road for a long time. Wow! What a complete difference. I'd never felt better and smoother since I was about 13 with my first real reason to use a razor, outside of Airfix models.

The first thing I changed was from tins of foam to creams and a brush. Lesson number one, aerosol foam is not a cheap option with creams working out much better economically and number two, even using a multi-blade cartridge the general shave was much closer and less irritating. Three being a decent moisturiser makes a big difference.

So on to change number four and going back quite a few decades, a DE. In this case a Merkur Futura as I like the adjustable blade aspect. I do favour Wilkinson Sword blades as I have always felt they kind of fit nicely in the middle as to sharpness vs comfort. Guess its a 'me thing'

Working away at sea will still probably see me using a cartridge now and then as shaving can be quite hair-raising as much as hair-removing in rough seas.

Until I got in to 'proper' shaving I never realised just how popular this whole facial hair removal thing is and even more surprised to find forums on the subject. So I thought 'well why not?' as I could do with some further guidance and experience, especially in 'pre and post shave'. Even at 55 I feel at 'starter level' and as if I have spent a lifetime 'not taking the correct care'.

I am sure since changing over to creams and moisturisers I have lost some of the ageing lines I had developed and my wife reckons I look better and younger for it. Plus of course she doesn't want to be married to an old fart with more wrinkles than Widow Twanky. Unfortunately there is not much I can do about the 'old fart' bit.

Product wise I am still finding what the world has to offer at the moment but rather like 'The Body Shop Macca cream' and L'Oreal for men moisturisers for day to day use. I also use creams by Forbes (Lime), Murdock and Agua de Colonia for when I want a little more than a regular shave and that feeling of treating my face to a bit of luxury.

So here I am, landed, after spending some time hovering around as a guest and I am sure I will find more answers to any questions than I care to think of. It certainly seems like one of those 'easy going and less of the bitching' forums on the web.

Happy to be here and a member of the 'smooth faced' community.
Welcome to TSR, you're never too old to start. We're in the same boat, I returned to DE shaving just over 6 months ago at about my 60th birthday, after too long an absence punctuated with cartridge and electric razors delivering far-from-satisfactory results.

Plenty of friendly, helpful advice here, don't be embarrassed to ask. You've got some good kit already. I also like Wilkinson Sword blades, where others won't have them in the house. It's a very personal thing. I recommend you also try Astra Superior Platinum blades, among others, well regarded and one of my favourites.

As for the "old fart" situation, your wife will appreciate the BBS results and at least you'll smell nice.

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