A Brushful of Blighty Goodness!

A while ago, I posted a review of Professor Blighty's Orange and Vanilla Formula 31 shaving creams. In that review, I mentioned that I experienced a mild reaction after using the creams - which was a darn shame, because in use they were excellent! That's the way it goes - there are some products that simply don't agree with me.

In the spirit of constant product improvement and, indeed, customer service,the Professor's (unprompted) response was to despatch a tub of his Formula 31 'Natural' (unscented) cream to me - the idea being to establish if it was the fragrance he used in the Orange and the Vanilla that I had reacted to.

Applying the scientific method, I used the 'Natural' exclusively - daily for a week. No ill effects experienced! Superb shaves, in fact! So it would appear that it could well have been the fragrance in the cream, applied to a skin made sensitive by the action of shaving, that caused the reaction.

I won't repeat the qualities of the cream itself. Suffice to say that it offers the same outstanding performance attributed to the Orange and Vanilla varieties in the review mentioned above. However, I would say that, although the cream is 'natural', to my mind it does have its own peculiar, very pleasant 'almondy' scent.

The Professor was also kind enough to send bottles of his Orange and his Vanilla aftershave splashes - the version without alcohol. Again, I'm very pleased to say that I had no experience of soreness after application with these. Delightful fragrances both - the Vanilla is a true vanilla ice-cream scent, and not at all like the Pinaud Clubman Vanilla which is totally full-on; the Orange is fresh and enlivening and a big hit in my office, where it is now regularly passed around and has become the official 'Company Fragrance'! Both will be great, now that the sunnier, warmer weather appears to be on the way!


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JohnnyO said:
"Company Fragrance" you say ........................ I'm just betting that's one company Vinny (Not Joe) won't be working at any day soon !!!

JohnnyO. \ :lol:

All I can hear are the words 'group hug'.

So, for that reason, I'm oot.
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