A brief intro

Hi everyone,

I am new to the wonder of straight razor shaving and have decided that it is the way forward for a number of reasons:

More manly,
Less environmental impact,
Much more manly,
Less ingrowing hairs and irritation,
Really really manly and,
My wife will not shave her legs or pits with it!

I was recommended to this site by a mate and so far, I have been astounded at the level of information available on here.
Thanks everybody. I bought some cheap and nasty razor from Amazon because I thought it was a good deal. Wish I had know about this place before wasting my money! In penance for my stupidity, a Dovo is heading its way to my house as we speak and manly shaving can commence properly once it arrives. Until thenm, thanks for the welcome.
tony4938 said:
Where do I pick up my referral fee? ;-)

Good to have you with us Steve!


This was an awesome piece of referral on your part! This site is brilliant and already I am getting awesome advice and help. In fact as my post in the Straight razor page mentions, my technique is already getting better.

Cheers mate.
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