
Staff Member
A week or so ago, I posted looking for advice on finding aftershave with a scent which disapated quickly and received some excellent advice.

Browsing through some online scent stores, I found that 4711 had an aftershave in the range, a fact I did not previously know. I decided to try some as it always had a nice scent and was very light.

What a pleasent surprise! The scent is, of course, the one that everyone knows, it dissipates in about 20 minutes and, although no special claims are made, I find it very soothing.

Its quality but mind you 4711 is unisex, personally I find it too floral and somewhat girly smell but that's my opinion, it was offer in Boots this summer and put some on my hand and it didn't dissipate, smelt for hours.
Did you try Boots own make Freshwood?? its inexpensive and it only last 20 or 30 minutes max.
I think Eau de Cologne scent in general is historically associated more with the ladies but there are many 'butch' designer aftershaves with much more floral/fruit scent than 4711. I don't know why you found it so long lasting (definitely aftershave and not straight EDC?). I find, and my wife confirms that it's gone from my skin within 20-30 mins.

I think I'm secure enough in my sexuality to get away with it! :icon_wink:
I was looking for a reasonably priced aftershave and found 4711 at cheapsmells.com for £7.95 (free p&p BTW) so took a punt.
I was really impressed with it. It does smell very flowery/fruity but I think it's a great fresh & clean smell and as it's an AS doesn't last long anyway.
I reckon it's one of my best lucky finds, along with Tabac soap (o-oh contentious).

I can see why the scent appeals to ladies as well but hey, real men aren't afraid of a few flowers.
Sezer74 said:
To be honest I don't know which 4711 I tried but I remember it was in a small bottle with spray/atomizer(edt/cologne??) no offense as I said girly smell.

No offense taken!
I think that must have been a full stength brew in an atomiser. What surprised me more than 'scent nostalgia' was how very soothing the AS was.
If you visit the shop in Cologne they have a fountain which flows with the stuff. Apparently it is drinkable!
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