3drew101 custom hollow ground 15/16”

Received this today.

Who better to describe it than Drew himself!

This is a 15/16” quarter hollow ground custom hand made straight razor, made from O1 high carbon tool steel. Heat treated and oil quenched three times and tempered, then final grinding. The spine and tang have been polished to a mirror finish and the blade finished with 2500 grit belt to leave a satin finish.

Custom black horn scales, brass friction washers and a birds eye maple wedge fixed with new brass pins and brass dome collars.

I shall give it a run out later this week and post my thoughts back here.
It is all very nicely finished.

I have to be honest and say it doesn't quite feel as premium as my Koraats or my Mike Waterhouse. Having said that, the only niggles I have is I have found that I can catch the scales with the blade if I'm not careful when I close it and one of the horn scales has a mark by the pin (though I think that is due to horn being a natural material as I had a Joris horn handled DE that had marks too).

But that is being very, very picky and it did cost a lot less!

The blade itself feels and looks lovely. The acid test will be when I shave with it of course.

Please don't be offended by this, Drew. At first glance I am very pleased with it.
Honesty is the best policy Paul, and it takes a lot to offend me mate!
This razor is number 20 and I hope I learn a little more every time I make one, but I'm really interested in your thoughts.

I'm back in the shop hopefully tomorrow and I've got three in mind for the the next batch, a 7/8" similar to this one with more of a smile a 8/8" and I haven't made a fixed blade in a while and I do like them.

I'll keep you posted.
I shall report back tomorrow after my first shave with it. It is popping hairs all down the blade which is an excellent sign. I'll do a few laps on a cordovan strop and have a go tomorrow morning.
Right, I've had my first shave with Drew's beast!

Here are my thoughts:

Negatives first - I found it a bit difficult to strop (there is an art to it that is different to my other straights). Having examined the razor I think that's because the tang is shorter and narrower than my other straights.

Probably more constructive criticism than a negative really and other people may disagree but I thought I'd put it out there.

That is the only minus point I found.

Now onto the positives!

My God this thing is sharp! Really sharp, like almost Feather sharp. As I'm a clumsy bugger I nicked myself a couple of times until I got used to it (only small weepers though). It really does demand a very light touch (like a Feather).

It's also very, very vocal. You can really hear the bristles being cut.

Now, I have very tough bristles. As a consequence it can be difficult to shave my chin and moustache with some straights unless they are very sharp.

Drew's razor went through them like they weren't there!

As it's so sharp (did I mention this?) I also found there was barely any burn or irritation at the end of my shave (which I sometimes suffer with straights).

In summary, very good indeed. I am sat here faceturbating.

Well done Drew, it's a good un!
Phew! Ok I'll let you into a secret, the reason I was sweating you giving in the match report was I didn't think that wasy best work. Don't get me wrong it's a good razor and should serve you well but I know and I can and have made better.

But I'm chuffed your happy with it Paul.
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