30% degree angle

Tuesday July 16, 2013
hello folks.
New to the forum & straight edge razor.
Have a nice vintage Solingen, prepped by a trusted source, shave ready and stropped.
First go, had a mediocre shave. Part shave, part scrape !.
I realise i've not yet committed to a 30% angle as it seems to be an angle for slicing off skin !. How to let go and trust that won't happen ?.
Managed not to draw blood or damage skin, so pleased with that at least !.
Thanks for any advice
The flatter the better I lame to learn. Took me a while too and accused a lot of blades to not be sharp enough in the process.
It's something that comes with practice. If the angle is too shallow (flat), the blade will be slicing through the whiskers rather than cutting them off - this results in the tugginess that newbies experience. However, when going XTG or ATG, the angle needs to be shallower otherwise you risk a cut.

The two spine widths advised above is the recommended angle for WTG passes.
Before this week I'd never shaved with a straight. I'm now a veteran of six shaves - wow, only 94 to go to mastery..... :icon_rolleyes:

It's true what they say about it being a steep learning curve. So steep you could ski off it.

I think that I'll always remember holding the razor to my face for the first time! My body was reacting to the prospect as if I was about to step off a tall building!

I've noticed that the alum stone is a great help, providing feedback for the next time. Also, it appears that I can now sense the difference between a blade that needs stropping and my ineptitude!

As far as angles, I'm starting to get the impression that the blade sort of tells you where the sweet spot is. It suits me more than a DE though, I don't think I'll miss them....
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