30 Days Straight

Right some days catching up to do. I started but ipad goofed out and lost all I had typed... And I had a busy weekend :)

Trying to address the following the grain and the angle of the blade is a handful, but I think it is getting there. Generally smooth with no real sting.

A big step today, more time so had a go with my left hand. Nervous, but surprisingly not as cack-handed as I thought I would be. Also, I thought my left cheek was as smooth as the right. Two passes, using both hands. pleasantly smooth, but not BBS yet. The big thing was no cuts :)

Busy day, chores and house stuff followed by a swift bike ride. Then a long shower to warm up and the usual prep. A proper go at left handedness and it worked. Managed, albeit slowly, to do all the tricky bits on the left. Tried Nivea post shave balm today, quite like it. This is turning into a proper addiction.

A day off as I shaved late yesterday.

DAY 10
I am now all at sea with lather and brush. I think its a combination of too much at once. Water changes with travel (away agin with work this week), brushes (travel brush and no bowl). Not to mention angles, extra hands, stropping and all the other fun stuff. No smoother, but definately quicker and more left hand action.

So all up, there are just too many variables. I am going to try and reduce these and focus on the blade. But I really do think it is coming together. I am still amazed (and probably tempting fate to mention it) that I haven't cut myself with my left hand. Infact, not at all in the last few days. And I am definately getting quicker. Oh and the videos are a good help. Gosh only 20 more days to go. I'm longing for my DE now...
Epic post today to catch up. Sorry for the delay, but it was a mad week on the road.

DAY 11
Best shaving foam prep while traveling. I went back to Palmolive cream and put a squirt in the brush and a little on my hand and used my cupped hand as a sort of bowl. Not perfect, but damn effective.
As for the shave, not a great day. I left it at one pass. I managed both hands, but it felt draggy. I also noticed a very odd thing. When using my left hand I struggled to see what I was doing. I think it is right side dominance, but it was very odd. I eventually just cracked on. I'm still really surprised at the feedback when using my left hand, which is a boon when you don't think you can see...

DAY 12
Long day at work yesterday, so chose an extra 15 mins in bed :)

DAY 13 Best yet :)
Usual prep. I had a bit more time this morning. Two passes, WTG and ATG. Only touched up round my chin. Don't know what I did differently, but it felt light. And, I think as a consequence, was very sting free on the alum.

DAY 14
Just felt I needed a rest today, so I thought I would use my Shavette. I know these are not the same technique, but I thought there would be some cross over of learning.
I used a Parker 33 and new Gillette green, run across a cork to take the edge off a little.
Usual prep, shower, cloth, Nannys soft soap bowl lathered. Two pass WTG then ATG. The first pass was not as good as I was expecting. Seemed to leave loads on my cheeks, but the normally poor bits of chin and jawline were good. Second pass sorted this out - so I thought. Post shave turned out I had missed a few bits, quite a few.
Overall quite bit more sting of the alum to. But this calmed quickly.
I think, my confidence is improving, but today's poor performance was down to a few too many sherbets last night ;)
I liked the shorter blade, but the behaviour - i think it being harder and less forgiving - wasn't for me. Does anyone know why straights are the length they are?

DAY 15
DIY day, so didn't bother shaving. However I did notice a thing. My stubble felt sharper and my face almost sore. I noticed it last evening. It's not something I have noticed from the regular straight. Anyone have any thoughts or similar observations?
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