25mm silver/chrome/shiny ring

Did anyone yet come up with a suitable decorative ring for the top of a brush handle, surrounding the knot, make it look pretty? As in .....


I want one 25mm diameter.

Just spent a hour trawling to no avail!
My ring is more like a Japanese flag at the moment and a certain Johnny Cash song brings more than just pangs of pain to the posterior. But hey, if you want your's all chrome and shiny and are prepared to maintain it then by all means, on ye go, sir. Mind, I reckon a Prince Albert might be less painful than that.

Surely Daz or some such metal wizard could turn summat like without breaking too much of sweat? Personally, I don't like 'em one bit but then one man's cake is another's kak.
Personally I would not put the likes of brass or copper around the knot as it will be very difficult to clean and might even colour the hair in extreme situations. The one shown on the EJ brush looks like plated material which is much easier to keep bright. [/font]
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