21 October 1805; morning of....

Nelson said "That will do. Make it directly" Collingwood, seeing the flags fly up the flagship's halyards, grumbled, 'What is Nelson signalling about? We all know what we have to do!'

At midday, things started a'goin. ... Collingwood's van took revenge as he burst through their line, raking the bows of the Fougueux and the stern of the colossol Spanish Santa Ana with double-shotted broadsides. 'See how that noble fellow Collingwood takes his ship into action! How I envy him!' exclaimed Nelson on the quarterdeck of the Victory, while Collingwood was saying, 'What would Nelson give to be here!'

All taken from page 203 of The Terror Before Trafalgar: Nelson, Napoleon, and the Secret War by Tom Pocock (2002), foremost authority on Nelson. I like to read history as well as enjoy a good shave and I picked this up at a yard sale. A good read and will forward to any one interested. Inside jacket "The Royal Navy's annihilation of the French and Spanish fleets at Trafalgar on October 21, 1805, was a pivotal event in European history." I know, that's another topic. I digress ...

What will an Englishman of today be shaving with on the day of 21 October 2010; either soap or cream: Should he consider only Trafalgar or 1805? Thoughts? Then I'll post a request on B/S/T.

Thanks in advance for your comments. R/Robert
Robert Otten said:
What will an Englishman of today be shaving with on the day of 21 October 2010; either soap or cream: Should he consider only Trafalgar or 1805? Thoughts? Then I'll post a request on B/S/T.

I'll be using Monsavon :lol:

I'm going to buy a Palmolive Shave Stick and cunningly fashion it in to the shape of Nelson's Column. And if I can't manage that I'll do a model of that big statue in Trafalgar Square.
by Pig Cat » 30 Sep 2010, 01:55

I'm going to buy a Palmolive Shave Stick and cunningly fashion it in to the shape of Nelson's Column. And if I can't manage that I'll do a model of that big statue in Trafalgar Square.
Pig Cat

I knew it was a hard topic ... ;)
Pig Cat said:
I'm going to buy a Palmolive Shave Stick and cunningly fashion it in to the shape of Nelson's Column. And if I can't manage that I'll do a model of that big statue in Trafalgar Square.

PC - I think I can help you make the column more life-like... I have a shaving stick holder that will put the scalloping of the column on - or at least an poetically licensed variant of it.
hunnymonster said:
Pig Cat said:
I'm going to buy a Palmolive Shave Stick and cunningly fashion it in to the shape of Nelson's Column. And if I can't manage that I'll do a model of that big statue in Trafalgar Square.

PC - I think I can help you make the column more life-like... I have a shaving stick holder that will put the scalloping of the column on - or at least an poetically licensed variant of it.

Good, I was looking for something in that vein. :eek:
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