1 Month In

So I got a cheap little kit for Christmas, Baili razor & blades, jaguar brush, and a little metal bowl. I seem to have gone a little bit mad.


I've had to clear out a load of old t-shirts today to make space for that lot.

I've got a nice selection of blades to try thanks to some very generous people on here, a little OC razor that was also PIF'd here, an Astra razor, a Weck shaper, a Le Grelot straight and a cheap strop to practice on.

I've ordered a Vulfix brush, but other than maybe some hones later on, I reckon this lot'll last me years. Just have to stop buying now.

And yes, I do seem to have hoarded a bit of Palmolive thanks to the great scare.
Miles853 said:
Nice little stash you have there.
Keep hidden from SWMBO

I've had a check & reckon she must have 5 times the number of bottles/jars/tubs. Having a shower/bath is like an obstacle course, trying to make sure I don't knock any of her stuff in.

pjgh said:
Quorum at the back ... good lad! :D

It should be compulsory! Unlike some others, there's no chance of the missus borrowing that one.
Is that the Superdrug aftershave to the left of the Old Spice? I like that - don't like the Boots shave cream though and I've still not got round to giving Ingrams a go.
LeeBot said:
Is that the Superdrug aftershave to the left of the Old Spice? I like that - don't like the Boots shave cream though and I've still not got round to giving Ingrams a go.

It is, with the Boots Freshwood next to it. I had a little spending session at Superdrug after someone on here said they had a sale on, so I blame TSR! The Boots cream has done OK so far but nothing special.

mrjackoboy said:
Very impressive for just one month of software......wait till you get the need for more hardware lol


I see a day coming when there's a battle over bathroom space. My poor hardware is perched on top of a cabinet chock full of the missus' potions.

Plan A-
Buy a new house with another bathroom. Cheap at the price to keep your love of all things shaving healthy

Plan B-
Act all manly, throw her stuff on a heap on the floor to secure extra space.
Just say your the man of the house, The King of the castle. She'll understand.

**Prior to carrying out plan B know where your nearest A&E department is***
Miles853 said:

Plan A-
Buy a new house with another bathroom. Cheap at the price to keep your love of all things shaving healthy

Plan B-
Act all manly, throw her stuff on a heap on the floor to secure extra space.
Just say your the man of the house, The King of the castle. She'll understand.

**Prior to carrying out plan B know where your nearest A&E department is***

Plan A it is then!

I've got 4 motorbikes in my garage, I think if I push anything else I may be in hot water! If only it was warm enough and I had room to shave in the garage.
Or juggle the bikes around a bit to make room for a sink in the garage...
Just think how manly that kit would look sharing some angle iron utility shelving with bits of bike engine and your favourite lid!

If your garage is anything like mine, shaving on a fresh winters morn' will be a bracing experience too!
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