
Monday April 1, 2013
Hi all,
I have had a very pleasant experience with, even with shipping from Europe it was still a lot cheaper for my Floid and other bits and bobs that anyone else I have used.

I have emailed Jose to thank him for the great service and I told him about this forum, so hopefully he might sign up as a vendor.

He replied to say he would offer a discount of between 10 & 15% off of orders and this takes a big chunk out of the shipping cost.

Have a look at his prices and drop him an email and mention our forum so he can offer you a discount.

Hope it helps you all in the same way your bargains have skint me... LOL

Yeah I know, his Floid is around half the price of anyone else, and so is the Floid blue EDT

Go on order a barrel load ;-)
Not that I'm complaining - it's for them to fight it out - but has anyone else noticed a shaving market getting flooded with newbie shops and outlets? This one has made finding the best price easier, at least.

We seem to have become a lucrative market, boyos!
Incredible prices! I'm really struggling not to pay the £71.50 in my basket (before the discount and with free postage! ) must.... resist.....
Hold tight! There are a lot of too good to be true posts about prices. Are we sure this is a genuine site and not another scam site? There was a lot of doubt about a shaving shop site a few days ago. Is this another? Has anyone actually received goods?
I gather he has been online for around a year, I found out about him on a French grooming forum and everyone seemed pleased with the goods, service and discounts.

Glad you all seem to like the prices as much as I did... Ps I also spent £70 on my first visit, although it would have cost me over £100 here in the UK.
Does anybody know what shipping costs are to the UK? I can only find Spain and Portugal listed on site.

The prices certainly are keen!!
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