Creams - Peering down the ‘rabbit hole’, just need a shove…

I guess many of us started in this way, ‘Hey DE is less environmentally polluting and cheaper, what do I have to loose’

Im now 6 months into my DE shave adventure, started off with ToBS Sandalwood, then due to hard water moved to creams - Lea original, normal Lea, ToBS Jermyn in my travel bag… All inspired by the reduction in costs, and they are great, BUT…

Im looking for suggestions for something ‘nicer’ … I work a short tube ride from Jermyn street and so access to the local shops is easy.

Question is, where to start?
Both of the mentioned Trumpers creams are excellent: Ecuris is my Saturday staple, and the Spanish Leather is also great. In my experience, both lather up well to provide a good base for a great shave. You might also wish to try D R Harris' Arlington or Windsor as well--good cream and both nice scents.
ToBS Jermyn St for Sensitive Skin. Don't be put off by the sensitive skin bit, it's a great cream with a lovely fruity scent that I find almost impossible to describe.
Yep, that lives in my travel bag as it’s a small size, my preference to far, didn’t like ToBS lime.. The consistency wasn’t as ‘nice’ ..
Use a hard puck of shaving soap, a boar brush, and a bottle of water. Use the bottled water only to make the lather and scrub it into your face, then tap water for everything after that. Skip using a separate lather bowl, lather on the puck and then on your face.
Use a hard puck of shaving soap, a boar brush, and a bottle of water. Use the bottled water only to make the lather and scrub it into your face, then tap water for everything after that. Skip using a separate lather bowl, lather on the puck and then on your face.

Living in a soft water area I hadn't thought of using a little bottled water to make a better lather.

Reminds me of when the water was cut off at the apartment, I warned Mrs De that she would need to wait until the evening to have a shower, I knew that this was going to be a big ask because it was a hot day,. I came home during the afternoon to find six empty two litre Evian bottles in the bathroom, she had showered with bottled water.

I have some Pellagrino ready for the morning, thanks for the tip Toby
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Vitos tallow cream is superb and it's amazing value

The scent is nothing special but the lather performance is brilliant.
Living in a soft water area I hadn't thought of using a little bottled water to make a better lather.

Reminds me of when the water was cut off at the apartment, I warned Mrs De that she would need to wait until the evening to have a shower, I knew that this was going to be a big ask because it was a hot day,. I came home during the afternoon to find six empty two litre Evian bottles in the bathroom, she had showered with bottled water.

I have some Pellagrino ready for the morning, thanks for the tip Toby

Hadn’t thought of the botitled water idea, love it! Thanks! (Already use a Boar Brush)

You're welcome fellas, hope all goes well. (y)
You're welcome fellas, hope all goes well. (y)

Good result using bottled water, I live in a soft water area and still noticed the difference. Not so much more lather but the lather was smoother and richer.

Technique was around 10cc of bottled water into a shaving bowl with a little Palmolive shaving cream and used a dry brush to whisk up a lather.

Thanks for the tip Toby.
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Don't overlook the classics, like Palmolive or Ingrams. Palmolive, you can get from the supermarket ... until Ingrams has a relaunch in the UK, you've to buy it from Egypt. Don't despair as Treasures of Egypt on eBay will get it to you in a mere matter of days (see image) and you can grab a tube of Lord Emofresh while you're there.


For a different kind of experience, have a look at (say) Vicco Turmeric Shave Cream. I suppose there's also those Old Spice creams available from India, along with their respective splashes.

Have fun!
I guess many of us started in this way, ‘Hey DE is less environmentally polluting and cheaper, what do I have to loose’

Im now 6 months into my DE shave adventure, started off with ToBS Sandalwood, then due to hard water moved to creams - Lea original, normal Lea, ToBS Jermyn in my travel bag… All inspired by the reduction in costs, and they are great, BUT…

Im looking for suggestions for something ‘nicer’ … I work a short tube ride from Jermyn street and so access to the local shops is easy.

Question is, where to start?
Leave Taylor's alone in my opinion, I was there on Monday as i saw an offer buy £75.00 products and get a free edt. On going in and asking a woman told me it was online purchases only....I took my phone out and said I could do that and she said they would need an hour to get the order ready (there was no one in the shop, and probably could have taken the stuff to the counter myself ). She seemed more interested in her paperwork. No customer service skills at all.

I went around the corner to Trumpers Duke street shop dropped £85.00 nothing free apart from a couple of sample moisturiser, I had impeccable service, from a gentleman who shared his passion of shaving and shaving products.

Depends what you like product wise, but for me Trumpers has a clear edge. Their Paisley line is lush.

On emailing TOBS they apologised and said they would make the offer clearly (online sales only, I believe). Unless you really like Taylor's go to Trumpers. As I walked out of the shop I found a Dr Harris but as I wanted to stay alive I didnt go in. (Not sure what road it was on either).

Green park is another great place to go I understand as there are further shops there.
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