Saturday 8th May to Friday 14th May 2021

Good evening men, I hope you’re all well.

An absolutely horrendous day weather wise down here in the South West so couldn’t wait to get home, bath and shave.

Soap - RR Mudder Fucker
Brush - ES Medium Jock
Razor - Muhle R89
Blade - Sputnik #5
Post - Baxter’s Balm
Splash - RR Mudder Fucker


I’m only shaving the areas not covered by my stubble at the moment and it’s going well. I love this soap and splash, a great performer and lovely scent.

Stay Safe everyone
Had a delightful shave this evening..after my recent win of the Fine Marvel razor I wanted to give it a run out..loaded with a Gillette silver blue it gave a lovely efficient but mild on smooth shave found it to be very nice. Finished off with my boker 5/8 with smoked acrylic scales and Pearl tang to shape up my anchor beard and for touch ups ! Feeling super smooth and refreshed, made a change to involve a DE in the shave really nice little razor
Wednesday 12th May


French Pink Clay & Charcoal Face Soap
Meissner Tremonia 'Natural Brown' Bitter Almond & Texas Cedar
Semogue SOC Taj
Yaqi AC w/Weber Bulldog Handle
Feather Professional (4)
Brut Original Aftershave

Grand! Again ... although a discernable dip in blade sharpness.
Pre: hot shower, hair conditioner applied on the stubble.
Soap: TFS
Brush: yaqi 24mm 2band badger
Razor: Rockwell 6s R4
Blade: personna platinum #3
Post: cold water rinse, old spice slugger

Been quite a busy day so it’s more of SOTN rather than SOTD. Very nice finish to wind down and relax doing something I enjoy.

Decided to move back to Rockwell 6s for the last outing with personna platinum - and it’s back to excellent shave. Seems like to me this blade just doesn’t work in blackbird, however it’s an excellent pairing for Rockwell. Definitely need to write that down. Sometime in the future I’ll give this blade a go in my ikon B1 slant .

Another simple no fuss shave - using the TFS. Nice almond scent and great performance. Went with face lathering - rubbed the soap on the face and then hit it all with wet brush. Exploded with lather after few seconds and provided just right amount for 3 passes.

A very comfortable DFS+ was achieved with 3 passes. No errors at all.

All that finished off with recently acquired old spice slugger. Interesting scent and very light sting. I actually never smelled the old spice offerings so it’s nice to explore new scents.

Now to relax for an hour before hitting the hay. Cup of coffee and meditations by Marcus Aurelius will keep me company. Unless I’ll give in and start looking at various razors that I wish to acquire lol!

Hope you’re all well gentlemen and have a great day once you wake up.

SOTD : 13th May 2021.


Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/Asda Tingly Mint & Tea Tree Shower Gel.

Cold wet flannel to my face.
Pears ~ Transparent Bar Soap With Mint Extracts. + Nuage Menthol shaving Oil.
Brush: Yaqi ~ Sagrada Familia 24mm Synthetic.
Face Lather.
Lather : Razorock "What The Puck? !" ~ Lime Burst.
Blade: Astra Superior Stainless. (D4)
Razor: FaTip Grande.

Cold water face wash with brush squeezings, Cold Water Face Rinse. /Homemade (~Spring/Summer mix~) Lemon, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Essential Oils.+3 Menthol Crystals. Mixed Together With 200ml of Care+Witch Hazel./Nivea Men ~ Sensitive Cooling PSB. /Osmanli ~ Lemon Eau De Cologne.


Early morning shave,

last outing of the Astra Superior Stainless which has been consistently Superb with every shave throughout the week...I feel as though i could easily get another 2-3 shaves from this blade, but I'll put it into retirement as i have a vast amount of other DE blades to contend with.

The FaTip Grande/Astra SS combo was such a wonderful match....Very smooth and efficient...Two passes left my face feeling smooth, but i carried on with the third & pick ups pass for the sheer pleasure, and to use up the wonderful slick lather the Razorock "WTP? !"soap provided me.

A enjoyable 3 pass + pick ups close comfortable near BBS shave with no errors to report...Finishing to the shave off with a generous splash of Osmanli ~ Lemon Eau De Cologne.

My face is feeling super smooth & smelling divine.;)

Keep safe, and enjoy your day ladies & gentlemen.:cool:
Last edited:
Thu 13 SOTD
Soap CBL Dragon's Blood
Brush Yaqi 26mm Rainbow
Razor Fatip OC Slant
Blade Czech Astra Superior Stainless 4th
Post & Aftershaves Ice Water + Stirling Witchhazel MitA + Hyaluronic + Cella Milano
The soap was ok...enough mechanics to complete the shave. Feels slightly burning though...
Shave with razor paired with the blade was smooth and comfortable for 3passes without any issues for a bbs finish.
SOTD 13-May
Prep: Warm shower
Brush: PAA Peregrino
Razor: Muhle R41
Blade: Superinox Bolzano
Soap: A&E Barbiere Sofisticato
Post: Cold water wash and A&E Barbiere Sofisticato Aftershave

Nice leisurely shave this morning, still enjoying the A&E and paired with my faithful Muhle led to a nice smooth finish with zero irritation. Looking forward to using the A&E with my incoming Friodur 472 this weekend (well that's hoping the Italian UPS tracking isn't a blatant lie!).

Have a cracking day all!


Prep: Shower, Palmolive Olive Oil Soap
Soap: Ach Brito Mogno
Brush: 24mm Yaqi Sagrada Familia Tuxedo
Razor: Merkur 34C HD
Blade: Gillette Super Blue (3)
Post: Superdrug Forest Fresh ASL

The Mogno will never stop amazing me. No pre-shave, no post-balm - just a splash of Superdrug's finest and my face feels ace :giggle: Day three for the Super Blue, and it's still smooth as you like. I'll give it another outing tomorrow before moving on I think......
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