Scent of The Day

Sounds wonderful, has it got legs? :) P.

According to the proprietor of RR it uses the exact same perfume oil as the genuine Santa Maria Novella Tuscan tobacco cologne, it's not a homage but the real deal. It smells very high quality, very classy... Not sure on longevity yet as it's my first use, i applied it 3 hours ago and can still smell it now just as strong so very good for an AS at the least.
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According to the proprietor of RR it uses the exact same perfum oil as the genuine SMDF Tuscan tobacco cologne, it's not a homage but the real deal. It smells very high quality, very classy... Not sure on longevity yet as it's my first use, i applied it 3 hours ago and can still smell it now just as strong so very good for an AS at the least.
Thank you :) P.
I'm going to get my RR SMDF splash out in a bit and compare it to the SMN TT Cologne. Neither have any complexity so it wouldn't surprise me at all if they are very very close.

I haven't got anything on at the minute, Vitos Tobacco Aftershave was used this morning. A pleasant powdery Tobacco/citrus scent that doesn't last long, I don't mind, it's £10 a gallon after all.

Well I'm now wearing these two
So, comparing SMN TTC with RRSMDF AS.
First I'll just make comment that I'm comparing a Cologne with an AS, I've used SMN AS and there is no comparison in AS base, the SMN is a better base. This is simply about the scent.
There is a difference to me. In addition to the obvious strength difference, the SMN has a stronger Tobacco on application. This may just be an anomaly down to the strength difference because after an hour there's nothing between them that would be perceptible to anyone outside of a well trained nose. If you wore one in the morning and one in the afternoon nobody in your presence would tell the difference.
I've checked my SMN price list and it's £46 for a 100ml AS with a minimum £13 delivery charge if you live outside London. The Cologne is £90 for 100ml with obviously the same delivery charge.
RR SMDF AS is £14.95 with free delivery minus any forum discount code.
The scent is the same, the quality of the AS is not, is it £45 better? It's not like the RR burns your face off guys...
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