S.O.T.D Saturday 21th October - Friday 27th October 2017

Yesterday I used the ATT S2 open comb slant and today it is the AC open comb razor from ATT, the SE2. Yesterdays shave was near perfect and today's was almost as good. I got careless today and put the razor to my face blade first instead of head first right at the corner of my lip. The result was a clean eighth inch nick. Definitely my bad just not paying attention. A quick swipe with the alum block and all was once again right in the world.

Top Row second from left:

Tomorrow will complete the trilogy with the razor on the far left top row, an ATT R2.

I guess of all the possible blade formats out there the AC blade is near the bottom of my list, with only the Schick Injector beneath it. Today it was a Feather Professional and I also have some Kai and Schick Proline AC format blades I'll try in it but while I love my ATT razors the SE2 is likely the one that will get the least face time.


The brush today is a Zenith 506 Horse Hair on it's first post Spa Day actual shave use trip and it did shed more hairs than any brush I have ever owned; ten or eleven hairs. I hope it will stop but if that continues I will need to contact the seller. I have quite a few Zenith brushes and even quite a few with the 506 handle; a Finest and a Manchurian Badger as well as a Boar and they have not shed any hairs.

Soap was from Above The Tie, an Orange Blossom and Jasmine and aftershave was Pre de Provence balm then Pinaud Bay Rum.
Pre: Warm water face wash
Brush: Omega 20102 Boar
Soap: Omega Eucalyptus
Razor: Valet AutoStrop VC3
Blade: Feather FHS
Post: Warm then cold water rinse, Vitamin E Oil, Aqua Velva Ice Blue AS

On my week of croaps, I got it arse about face, and used my favourite (Vitos) first and this, my least favourite, last.
It's not a bad soap, lathers quickly, has some cushion and slickness but not as much as the others and post shave isn't great.
I've used worse soaps and I've had far worse shaves, all in all not a bad Friday shave.
Friday 27th OCtober 2017

Pre Shave: Hot Shower + L'Oreal Birch Sap Face Wash and Proraso white
Razor: Windrose OC Slant head and Windrose handle
Blade: Timor (#3)
Brush: Hans Baier Silver Tip
Cream: The Traditional Shaving Company - Leodis
Post: Alum Block, Cold water and Thayers Lavender Witch Hazel
AS: Nivea Soothing Balm.

Soap - TOBS Sandalwood
Brush - RazoRock 22mm
Face lather
Razor - Schick E3
Blade - Proline B
Post - Thayer's
After shave - Speick

I've tried with this soap: face and bowl lathering. But same result. Basically, it stings when I use it; before I even apply a blade. So it had to be jettisoned. Silver linings, though: a wash out with warm water and I have a bowl for approximately one-third of my Vitos Red.

That aside, no shave problems. Schick and Proline get on very well. 2 passes would have done; but a third took place just for the hell of it.
Prep - Hot towel
Pre shave - Prep
Razor – ‘The Rock' ( 3 )
Blade – Gillette 7 O'clock S/P Black
Brush - 'The Archduke' (Brad Sears Archduke 26/50 2-Band Manchurian)
Soap – Van Yulay: Achilles
Post - Cold water rinse / Wholly Kaw: Fougere Bouquet ASB

by 'eck, that hit the bullseye...yeah, super, smashing, great! ;)
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