S.O.T.D. Saturday 29th April to Friday 5th May 2017

Quick clean up shave.
Well it's bank holiday (obby oss day) if you live in north Cornwall!
So I thought a quick touch up shave before heading to the pub.
Muhle r89
Grosvenor brush
Calanis tonka soap
Voskhod Teflon blade #3 last use
Thayers rose petal toner
Tabac lotion
Not a bad three pass, been smoother, but pleasant with no malfunctions.
A few decent pints of real cider up near our local spy centre, then home for tea.
No pics sorry! Covert operation. :)
Monday AM 2017-05-01

Moss Anniversary Slate scuttle
Rooney 3/1 Finest (22mm/44mm)
Ralph Lauren Safari shaving soap (vintage)
Delta Echo Black Chrome-Nickel Feather AS-D2/Stork Pinsk Titanium
Personna Super Platinum Chrome (2)
Ralph Lauren Safari aftershave (vintage)

I think the Safari soap is underappreciated. It lather well, and its skin care is unmatched.
Monday 1st May 2017

SOTD 1st May.JPG
Pre Shave: Hot Shower, L'Oreal Hydra Power Face Wash and Proraso White
Razor: iKon 101 + OSS Handle
Blade: Gillette Rubie Platinum Plus (#1)
Brush: Plisson pure badger
Cream: Body Shop Maca Root
Post: Alum Block, Cold water and Humphrey's Witch Hazel
AS: Nivea 2 Phase lotion.

Great shave today, I am finding that the iKon 101 works really well with some blades but can be a bit of a let down with others. It would seem that for me the Gillette Rubie is one of those blades that works well in the 101.

I picked up the Nivea 2 Phase Lotion last week but only tried it today, I like it but it is odd stuff. When first applied it feels a bit oily but it dries in nicely and then has a delayed kind of mild menthol cooling kick. Smells quite nice as well and not too strong so good for work.
Pre: Gillette Series Irritation Defence Pre Shave Wash
Razor: Gillette English Superspeed Red Tip
Blade: Perma-sharp (1)
Soap: NOS Figaro P160
Brush: WD 24mm Synthetic (Ubersoft II)
Post: Dove Hydrate+ Balm


A very good DFS borderline BBS 2 pass shave to remove 2 days growth. It's been mentioned by others that there is mileage in leaving the hair to grow longer to give the blade more to cut into. I'm rapidly becoming a convert.

Brush: Shavemac Americana D01 Silvertip
Razor: Gillette Super Adjustable 'F3' w/ Supermax Platinum (3)
Soap: Pannacrema Nuavia Verde
Post: Thayers Rose & Al Rehab Sultan

A lovely shave to start the month, this soap really has grown on me in recent uses. The scent is very nice and actually following the instructions works, who'd have thought it! I would like to try the other nuavia's but can't justify it. It would be nice if Pannacrema bring out refill pucks for the jars!

Third and final use of the Supermax, a really good blade and one I enjoyed using. I could have squeezed another shave or two out of it but blades are cheap. Hoping the Variant arrives tomorrow, no idea what to use yet.

Pre: DR Harris Coconut soap, Myrsol Emulsion
Brush: Savile Row 3824 Silvertip Badger
Soap: Speick stick
Razor: Wilkinson Sword Sticky
Blade: Vintage Polsilver (1)
Post: Myrsol Emulsion
EdC: DR Harris Arlington

Stuck in a Donga in the Great Sandy Desert. Travel kit shave. Gotta love the super-pure RO water - the Speick stick exploded with lather.
Hardship - what hardship?

Been having some hassles with photo uploads, so would be helpful if you could let me know if my photo is displaying OK.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Superb photo

Brush: Shavemac Americana D01 Silvertip
Razor: Gillette Super Adjustable 'F3' w/ Supermax Platinum (3)
Soap: Pannacrema Nuavia Verde
Post: Thayers Rose & Al Rehab Sultan

A lovely shave to start the month, this soap really has grown on me in recent uses. The scent is very nice and actually following the instructions works, who'd have thought it! I would like to try the other nuavia's but can't justify it. It would be nice if Pannacrema bring out refill pucks for the jars!

Third and final use of the Supermax, a really good blade and one I enjoyed using. I could have squeezed another shave or two out of it but blades are cheap. Hoping the Variant arrives tomorrow, no idea what to use yet.
Sorry to be slightly off topic, what is the super adjustable like, I have used a slim adjustable but not the super adjustable
I am finding that the iKon 101 works really well with some blades but can be a bit of a let down with others..​

Barbasol pre-shave wash
Schick Krona razor
Israeli "Blue" Personna bulk blade (#1)
Maggard 22mmblack synthetic brush
Proraso red shave cream sample
TOBS Sandalwood AS

In the Gillette Tech this particular Personna blade doesn't work very well at all, however used in the Krona, which doesn't bend the blade, it works like a champ.

...It's been mentioned by others that there is mileage in leaving the hair to grow longer to give the blade more to cut into. I'm rapidly becoming a convert.

Hi Marco,
I am interested in the soap. Where in Scandinavia is it from? How can I get some?

Hi Andy
The Soap comes from Norway. "Brutalt Bra" means something like "Damn good" and Yes, this soap is a great preformer. Check this site http://www.brutaltbra.no/hvor-selges/.
It is available from some scandinavian online shops like http://shavingroom.se/produkt/brutal-bra-barbersape/ from Sweden or from this norwegian site https://www.barbershop.no/collections/bergums-sapekokeri. Barbershop.no also has a real shop in Oslo. In the US Bullgoose Shaving should have the product in stock.
Best Regards Marco
Hi Andy
The Soap comes from Norway. "Brutalt Bra" means something like "Damn good" and Yes, this soap is a great preformer. Check this site http://www.brutaltbra.no/hvor-selges/.
It is available from some scandinavian online shops like http://shavingroom.se/produkt/brutal-bra-barbersape/ from Sweden or from this norwegian site https://www.barbershop.no/collections/bergums-sapekokeri. Barbershop.no also has a real shop in Oslo. In the US Bullgoose Shaving should have the product in stock.
Best Regards Marco

I've just purchased from www.barbershop.no . Thanks Marco. Much appreciated! :)

Prep: Hot shower and L'Oreal charcoal face wash
Pre: BBA shave oil
Razor: ikon B1 OC
Razor blade: Gillette Platinum
Brush: Thater
Bowl: Little Wren Pottery
Soap: Martin di Candre
Post: Thayers witch hazel and BBA aftershave balm.

The Razor and blade were both sent to me by James @Acer89, thank you.

The soap was a sample sent to me by @Looney12345 thank you.

I use the BBA shaving oil for the first time and definitely felt the benefit on the first two passes. I didn't like the scent. There is something in this which is also in the face wash.

The soap. It's by far the easiest to lather I've used so far. Laughably fast in fact. I wasn't mad about the scent. This is the original and I believe it has lavender in there. I find lavender to be quite sweet and sickly.
The soap performed well but I doubt I'd buy a jar. Thanks to Olly for sorting out a sample, appreciate it.

The razor and blade: Both were excellent! Very smooth and very efficient. The best shave I've had in a long time.

Finished off with BBA aftershave balm. I used a lot less product than last time as I found it left my skin feeling sticky. Very good but I will use even less next time as a little goes a long way.

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