Truefitt & Hill Customer Service

Guys I just HAD to post this as I've had the most amazing experience.

About 11-12 months ago I purchased a Wellington brush from and as soon as I lathered it, it shed hairs. I hadn't used it much but recently started using it more and it was shedding 6-8 hairs EVERY shave at the very least which of course is not normal.
I contacted Truefitt and Hill on this and they advised me to return the brush to them, and they would send me a replacement brush and because of incurring a postage cost, I'd also receive a full size tub of the cream of my choice. Not only this but I've also been sent one of their disposable razors and a cologne/cream/balm sample pack!!

TL/DR: Truefitt and Hill brush was a shedder and they not only replaced the brush but are sending all sorts of goodies!!

And that my fine gentlemen is why I love this wet shaving community!

Very impressive response to your problem with the brush.

I've been battling with some online retailers recently about non-delivery of items (not shave related), and I just wish they showed one ounce of the decency T&H have shown you.

Thanks for sharing this positive news.
Very impressive response to your problem with the brush.

I've been battling with some online retailers recently about non-delivery of items (not shave related), and I just wish they showed one ounce of the decency T&H have shown you.

Thanks for sharing this positive news.
If mankind's response was anything to go by, I do not envy the battling you're currently doing! Hopefully you get things ironed out with them. Unfortunately for many of these online retailers we are a sales number and a few pound coins. Repeat business means nothing anymore to these people and so they don't even try to foster a good relationship. Truefitt and Hill however are an excellent example of how to deal with a customer and because of that I will buy more of their products (to fuel my every growing addiction haha).

If mankind's response was anything to go by, I do not envy the battling you're currently doing! Hopefully you get things ironed out with them. Unfortunately for many of these online retailers we are a sales number and a few pound coins. Repeat business means nothing anymore to these people and so they don't even try to foster a good relationship. Truefitt and Hill however are an excellent example of how to deal with a customer and because of that I will buy more of their products (to fuel my every growing addiction haha).


Thanks John.

I had a win this afternoon as it happens. I paid via PayPal, and hadn't realised how good the resolution service offered by them was. Yes, a vendor can ignore the messages from one dissatisfied customer, but they seem to pay attention when a big beastie like PayPal gets in touch.

These days very few retailers have a monoply on selling what you're interested in, so dissatisfied customers are bound to vote with their feed and purchase elsewhere. T&H show that, by dealing with problems swiftly and over-delivering on your expectations, they can create loyal customers who sing their praises.
My T&H story is almost ridiculous as there was no need for them to do what they did :)

I bought a T&H set on eBay for a year ago or so. It came with a bowl of their shaving soap.
The content looked a bit odd to me (obviously the set was either older or simply stored oddly) - but I was curious as to if it was still safe to use so I sent them a quick email asking if they think it had changed the soap properties.

I get an email back the next day saying that it might have gone bad - and then they sent me a brand new tub of shaving soap fully knowing that I had bought an old product off of ebay!

That kind of customer service has led me to purchase more of their products - but this time directly from them ;)
I don't know how you got great customer service.

I got told bugger off when I asked if they could make me a sample pack of just shaving cream and let me pay for it.
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