You know wetshaving is taking over your life when....

...When you 'join' a shaving forum, and stay longer than to post a single question...

...When you have a 'rotation' of razors, brushes, or soaps...

...When you post, or even look at, SOTD threads or lather shots...

...When the cliche, "YMMV", begins to be used in your life outside these forums...

...When you are willing to wait years to even get on a waiting list that may take even more years to obtain a razor...

...When you thoroughly understand the differences of properties between tallow and vegan, soaps and creams, open comb and solid bar, badger and synthetic...

...When you spend more time thinking of or talking about shaving, than actually shaving itself...
When I am Sitting on the Carsey havin a Dump & Hair Testing my SRs on my Legs..:eek:

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