What Did We Learn From Our Shave Today Gents?


That a straight razor shave of two passes still takes me twenty minutes if I am to avoid any facial damage, the shaves have got better and my razors I have made sharper and smoother but my speed still remains at a snails pace......lack of practice no doubt; there are so many nice razors to use!

That juggling a heavily soap laden silvertip badger brush from hand to hand is a skill not to be repeated. Also that after revisiting Body Shop's Maca root shave cream( out of necessity rather than choice), that it ain't three bad. Dead easy to lather and good results.
I just wish they'd make it with a smell I can stomach. I'd probably have spent a hell of lot less on soap if they did!
That Stirling Glacial MITA is even better than the regular one and is hypothermic freezingly cold, love it!!!:D Also that a VDH brush can be softened up nicely if lathered up the night before and left to sit overnight. :)
That this bad lad can cut through a week of growth, with ease and leave it baby butt smooth, even with a Gem blade with a hanful of uses already.
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