SOTD Saturday 23rd April - Friday 29th April

SOTD Apr 27 2016.jpg
Cloudy, maybe rainy NorCal day. I forget what a great shave I get from the Mongoose with either the Kai mild or Feather professional blade. It always takes a few strokes to readjust my technique but then it's smooth sailing with great results. I enjoy the Mongoose even more mounted on a Hemple titanium UFO handle. The Roger & Gallet L'Homme is one of my favorite scents and the performance of the soap is excellent, as is the aftershave balm. The Simpsons 58 Manchurian improves with each use, and it's a lather machine.
Still fighting off a cold, so a gentle gym session followed by a shower.
Derby Soap
RazorRock Barber Plissoft
Fatboy [9,9]
GSB [3]
Proraso Green AS
Beckham Instinct Sport EDT

This soap Rocks! Love the smell - very Arko like - love the slippery cushioning lather and the price is unbeatable!

And the theme of today was 'the taming of the screw'

L'Occitane Cade shower gel
King of Shaves pre oil
L'Occitane Cade cream
L'Occitane Cade balm
Montblanc Emblem
Muhle synthetic brush
ESC Braveheart head on 'screwed up' DIY handle and Feather

Good opportunity to try the new Braveheart head paired with the newly finished DIY SS handle. I was expecting the Braveheart to be overly aggressive and would require some 'taming', but not at all. Effective, as noisy as buggery and I could swear the hairs were growing in front of it so much feedback produced. Seemed to find hairs which didn't exist. Brilliant piece of kit and like an R89 on steroids.

End product? Delightful and so so bloody close and smooth

As you can tell I visited the L'Occitane outlet store the other day and the Cade cream is my fad of the moment. Lovely stuff
Knowing it was over 24hrs since my last shave got to me . There was no point shaving this morning as yesterday afternoon's BBS was almost still there.
So tonight after a quick shower
Merkur 38C, I know I only have two razors but if I ever get any more I reckon this will be hard to beat.
Ladas Super Stainless (2) nice shave after I was done, like yesterday but it still felt crap while in action. Three shave blade I reckon. My face wasn't as friendly with the alum as yesterday though.
Bluebeards revenge cream. I only ever really use this if I shave at night. It's ok but not a feelgood cream, scent is a bit strong and clashes with aftershave scents.
Omega boar brush
Alum and E45 to finish.
DFS+ I reckon.
Menthol, erm....Wednesday?

Merkur 34c, Lab Blue
Hand-carved Ash Boar
Krampert's Frostbite (Cheers Martin!)
Homemade Peppermint Post Shave Oil
Vintage Shulton Old Spice as Cologne

Don't know about zombies but that right there is enough menthol to wake the dead! The mighty Ingram sets the scene for the cold water rinse which has a little bit of a Siberian chill to it then on with the Frostbite. "Not that cold at all is this", thinks I nonchalantly right before I find myself cheeks clenched and desperately gripping the sink! I might've lost 6 stone but that still wouldn't have made a pretty sight. My face was screwed up like a bulldog that had been stung by a wasp! Shit, that's bloody freezing that Frostbite - colder than a polar bear's knackers. And how it lingers! Jeez, is it over yet? Is my face becoming my own again? Thank fuck for that....ok then, let's do it again!!! Woohoooooo...........

Half an hour later I feel brave enough to put on some slightly chilly post shave oil that I made myself with a hefty dose of peppermint EO. Aye, it's refreshingly nippy but compared to the full Antarctic winter blast that is Krampert's Frostbite, it's merely a cool Scottish northerly.
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