S.O.T.D. Saturday 2nd April 2016 to Friday 8th April 2016


Friday 8th April 2016
Prep: Shower
Razor: Wilkinson Sword Pall Mall
Blade: Proprietary
Brush: RazoRock Plissoft
Soap: La Toja Stick
Aftershave: Astral Cream (soft)



My God, the performance on this soap is spectacular & the scent was amazing as well. Better lather this time but were this soap shines for me is the post shave. My face feels smooth & completely moisturised!

I did however experience a little irritation under my nose in between passes, which I assume is down to the fragrance oils. Need to give it a few more shaves before deciding if it is worth keeping!
Friday AM 2016-04-08

Moss Anniversary Slate scuttle
Shavemac TSR 2016 LE Butterscotch D01 2-Band Silvertip (26mm/54mm)
Mouson Lavender shaving soap stick (vintage)
iKon DLC OC/Triad Satin Hexagon Helix
Wilkinson Light Brigade (7)
Acqua di Genova 1853 aftershave

Some new stuff this morning, including the razor head and the soap, which made for a bit of delicate exploration. The brush is still slightly funky, which interfered with my perception of the shaving soap scent. What I mainly got from the Mouson was a soapy fragrance. The soap lathered well, although its razor glide was not great. And I had to change my usual razor angle for the iKon open comb, as well as dialing back the pressure. I still got just a touch of razor burn, probably due both to the open comb and to the fact that the blade was on its seventh use.
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