First "straight" shave.

I've just done that thing that I'm guessing most people do when they're at this stage...

I just discovered Kamisori razors and learned how they are made.

My jaw instantly fell open.

I love everything about them.

One day...
To find out if you like this style of razor, look here and put your name down.

Thanks Andreas, good call.

I'll leave it a little while though, so I can get more practice in with the added safety of the combed DD before putting my name down.

Any idea how many shaves I can expect from this pathology blade?
Now that I know my Omote from my Ura ( :D) I'm going to try using the DD like a Kamisori, I.e. only use one of the DD's edges for both sides of my face.

That should be fun.
You want one of these, G :D

Photos may be required :D

My dexterity issues are a hard enough challenge already (I'm bad at working in mirrors). I'd end up rinsing the camera in the sink or pressing the blade with my index finger. :D

Seriously though, I have thought of videoing it but, well, I've never really done anything like that before.
You want one of these, G :D


I had the same thought last night, Paul. :) I'm not sure if the sweeping arc technique for my neck (explained earlier) will work with such a handle because my upper body could get in the way, so it would be useful to try. I don't want to break my DD so might just temporarily tape it "straight" if you see what I mean.

Fun and games. :)
[quote uid=5398 name="alancrab" post=504579]This is tempting me to break one of my DDs out of the drawer and have another go but it always feels too draggy and harsh when I do.[/QUOTE]<br /><br />Let us know how you get on if you do.
Will do
Great start Scratch and from what little I know your going about straight shaving in the right manner. Learn the angles, get to grips with pressure and skin pulling, develop muscle memory and lather is adapting all the time.

I like to rub a little alum on my fingers, helps when pulling the skin. My lather preference is also more slickness than cushion, as I find angling the blade correctly extinguishes irritation. With a straight a thinner lather helps me angle the edge better.

I taped the DD open and taped over one of the blade edges. This gave me one blade edge to shave with and because of the comb, I could only use one side of it too. This was my makeshift "Omote" side.

Of course, this new setup brought with it it's own challenges. :) Being right handed and only using my right hand throughout, shaving down-strokes (1st pass) on the right side of my face meant my razor hand was on my right ear, and similarly, shaving up-strokes (2nd pass) on the left side of my face meant my razor hand was all the way across my face and on my left ear. :D This caused a bit of an issue with the side burn areas because unlike a real Kamisori (I presume), this razor doesn't have anywhere in the handle for your ear to pass. Still, I managed ok.

The neck area brought similar challenges too of course, but thankfully the taped-straight handle didn't interfere with the upward-pointing sweeping arcs as I feared it might, although it only worked on the right-side of my face of course. For the left side I had to invert the position and have the razor pointing down. Fun and games. :)

Overall, I ended up with a slightly better shave than before (BBS cheeks, s/burns, jawline, moustache, under bottom lip and most of neck. DFS chin.) I did a considerably better job of my chin and under chin area on the ATG pass than I managed on my previous DD shave, and I had no bleeding or soreness. It wasn't quite as comfortable as before though, and I put that down to the blade losing it's edge quite quickly due to only using one of its edges and I was having to go over areas a bit too often and with more pressure than I'd like. It started to feel dull about half way through the ATG pass and although I did eventually stop, un-tape the blade and spin it around to expose a fresher edge and re-apply the tape, I should perhaps have done it sooner.

Overall though, another good and very enjoyable shave but I think a sharper blade would make things considerably easier.
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